Cannot use the new setWindowSize() player command when switching from full screen to window mode

  • #10, by LebosteinWednesday, 06. May 2015, 17:57 10 years ago
    I have tested this. The problem is, the Mac needs more than one second to switch between fullscreen and windowed mode because there is a system animation (smooth zoom) for the size change of the window...

    It would useful to can set the resulting window size BEFORE switching... or this damn Apple window resize animation has to be turned off (in the player?) somehow...

    Key Killer

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  • #11, by afrlmeThursday, 07. May 2015, 02:26 10 years ago
    Seems it will be fixed for next update. David just sent me an updated player build for the mac & it lets me set the window size immediately after calling the toggleWindowMode() function without me having to add a pause action part between the two functions.


    7283 Posts

  • #12, by fulviovThursday, 07. May 2015, 02:32 10 years ago
    cool stuff, good to know! smile

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