Cannot load any 3D object into a scene

  • #1, by fulviovThursday, 11. February 2016, 00:47 9 years ago
    I was wondering if anybody that had success importing a 3D object into visionaire could help me troubleshoot what I am doing wrong.
    I have created a simple scene, and I am trying to load a 3d ball with one simple animation, which by the way renders perfectly in the assimp viewer, into it.
    Visionaire seems to recognise the animation, and the log says "model loaded successfully" too, but when I run the game, I get a black screen.
    I have tried models in 3ds, .x, .dae, nothing seems to work.
    I have zipped the test project and attached it to this post.
    Thanks in advance!

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  • #2, by sebastianThursday, 11. February 2016, 08:14 9 years ago
    Uhm... 3d object or character? I dont know if objects are possible. never heard of it...

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  • #3, by fulviovThursday, 11. February 2016, 08:22 9 years ago
    Sorry - I meant character

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  • #4, by AkcayKaraazmakThursday, 11. February 2016, 09:41 9 years ago
    I'm using 3d characters in Vis but the latest version doesnt show any 3d model. Its a bug with the latest build. Use the previous Vis build which works with 3d stuff. But with previous build you can only use 3d as characters not as scene objects.

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  • #5, by fulviovThursday, 11. February 2016, 13:29 9 years ago
    Oh, thats a pretty nasty bug then. Do you get a black screen as well?
    Also, I was trying to get an old Visionaire version to try this, but I can only seem to access the latest one.
    Is there a way to download previous builds?

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  • #6, by AkcayKaraazmakThursday, 11. February 2016, 15:20 9 years ago
    Imm not sure but I think it was a black sreen or it doesnt show up the models, cant remember it. I think its better to ask the developers for prev. version. Simon may help you with that.

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  • #7, by MachtnixThursday, 11. February 2016, 18:13 9 years ago
    ...Use the previous Vis build which works with 3d stuff. But with previous build you can only use 3d as characters not as scene objects.

    I bought the 4.2.5 licence. Can I use and switch free* a previous 4 version instead of? I wanted to try out this 3D-stuff once. First I have to build a character with JOINTS, not with BONES, right? Bones are out for about five years...

    *I don't know, what's "freischalten" in English...


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  • #8, by AkcayKaraazmakThursday, 11. February 2016, 19:19 9 years ago
    Mate, you are using cinema4d right? I use bones in maya and in 3ds max. Bones system is the best and the newest solution. But dont know about c4d. I dont about switching the licenses :\

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  • #9, by MachtnixThursday, 11. February 2016, 19:52 9 years ago
    @AkcayKaraazmak: there is a little difference. The BONES in Cinema4d up to release 11 were deformer objects, which are not longer supported. If I want to open such a bone-rigged character in the newest version (R17/18, I think), it doesn't work. The character becomes jam or - in best case - you have to start a complete new rigging, weighting and animation with the joint system.

    All programs like Max or Maya CALLS their bones between the turn points bones, but the systems are truly JOINT systems. So that's why I'm not sure, which kind of bones Vis really want. I think, Vis wants the joint system, which is used for 10 years... You have to export into exchange format anyway. I want only to try what happens.


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  • #10, by AkcayKaraazmakThursday, 11. February 2016, 20:55 9 years ago
    Yea sure its all joint system but they called as bone systems in the softwares I use. As I said I dont know about c4d smile .. So then u should use the joint system.

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  • #11, by MachtnixThursday, 11. February 2016, 22:23 9 years ago
    .. So then u should use the joint system.

    Yeah, of course I should... some time in a future far, far away. :-) It takes months to create a new rig, new weightings and all new animations with a strange joint system I don't know. Some physics aren't possible with joints (the Cinema bones have some nice dynamical physics, good for hair, tails and wings!).

    The second reason is: I use Hypernurbs to smooth my character meshs and edge sharpening or smoothing which only works in Cinema itself. And there are some other plugins and tools, maybe shaders, hair, fur, texture glowing or lighting effects. All of them will be lost after exporting...

    First I have a lot of "problems" to make a standard game in Visionaire and all it's specials. Wastes time. So I did my renderings to 2D-png-frames as before.


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