Building for Android

  • #1, by dramaminiWednesday, 15. October 2014, 06:37 10 years ago
    I'm trying to build my demo game for android in order to test it.
    I follow the instructions, but there is no "game _android.apk" file in my output folder.
    Only a .vis file, config.ini, report.txt and video files.

    Also there is a message at the end of the report.txt file:
    "Please type jarsigner -help for usage
    Only one alias can be specified
    Unable to open 'C:\GameExport\Preveza1928_android_signed.apk' as zip archive

    This is the log window:
    07:26:46: Error: File 'C:\GameExport\Preveza1928_android_signed.apk' couldn't be removed (error 0: ?t???a.)
    07:26:46: Error: Failed to copy the file 'C:\GameExport\Preveza1928_android_signed_aligned.apk' to 'C:\GameExport\Preveza1928_android.apk' (error 0: ?t???a.)
    07:26:46: Error: File 'C:\GameExport\Preveza1928_android_signed_aligned.apk' couldn't be renamed 'C:\GameExport\Preveza1928_android.apk' (error 0: ?t???a.)
    07:26:46: Error: Directory 'tmp' couldn't be deleted (error 0: ?t???a.)

    What am I doing wrong?


    44 Posts

  • #2, by SimonSWednesday, 15. October 2014, 14:52 10 years ago
    Hi, please try the older JDK7 I can't do much there, they just changed something and nobody knows what. You need to change the path in the viseditor.ini (C:\Users\<name>\AppData\Local\Visionaire Editor\viseditor.ini) bottom of the file.

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    1582 Posts

  • #3, by dramaminiWednesday, 15. October 2014, 17:34 10 years ago
    Thank you very much.It works with JDK7.
    Thank you....!


    44 Posts

  • #4, by dramaminiThursday, 16. October 2014, 00:18 10 years ago
    Second problem...
    Following your advice, I have now the"game_android.apk" file,
    but when I try to install it on phone, the installation fails...
    What should I do?

    The phone is Samsung Galaxy Core GT-i8260
    Android version 4.1.2

    In my project I use .ogg audio files
    and .mkv Videos (with H.264 Compression)
    When building game, I scale resolution at 1280x720 (I've also tried 1024x768)
    and compress graphics to WebP format.

    I've tried to copy only the "game_android.apk" file to my phone. Installation fails.
    Then, I copy all produced files (.apk, .vis, .ini, .txt, videos) and visionaire player to phone. Nothing...

    Am I overlooking something?

    (PC version runs perfectly)


    44 Posts

  • #5, by SimonSThursday, 16. October 2014, 14:07 10 years ago
    What does "the installation fails" mean ? You should have a big apk in the end, that should be copied to the phone and installed there.

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  • #6, by dramaminiThursday, 16. October 2014, 14:11 10 years ago
    Yes, I have a big apk copied to the phone but when I try to install it, (after a while) phone prompts a message that installation failed.


    44 Posts

  • #7, by SimonSThursday, 16. October 2014, 15:27 10 years ago
    Try to install the apk per adb, adb.exe is in android-sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe, then per cmd type adb install your_apk.apk . This might give more insight.

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  • #8, by dramaminiThursday, 16. October 2014, 19:24 10 years ago
    Have a look at this:


    44 Posts

  • #9, by dramaminiThursday, 16. October 2014, 19:44 10 years ago
    Also at the end of "Report.txt" file, says:
    No -tsa or -tsacert is provided and this jar is not timestamped.

    (However, I don' t know if this is related to the problem)


    44 Posts

  • #10, by SimonSFriday, 17. October 2014, 00:07 10 years ago
    Seemingly something went wrong exporting... Maybe export again or redownload the apk, an apk is like a zip, you can open it with winrar, there needs to be a folder META-INF, that contains the certs.

    Thread Captain

    1582 Posts

  • #11, by dramaminiWednesday, 22. October 2014, 19:12 10 years ago
    I think that something went wrong with the keystore. Moreover, only JDK 7u45 actually works without warnings or errors in the report.txt file.

    After a lot of effort, I finally managed to get the application installed into the mobile phone.
    Then I clicked the installed app but i could only see a black screen.
    After a while the visionaire player was terminated.

    **Additionaly, I built a game including only one scene, with no sound or video but when I tried to launch the installed app I saw the same black screen that i described earlier.

    any solution?


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