Bug/Issue with Text which gets rendered behind animations

  • #1, by sebastianSunday, 28. August 2016, 01:41 9 years ago
    Hey there Pals and Gurls,

    i have a difficult problem to solve here. The problem is that it seems that object (button) texts get rendered behind an animation (of the same object) as soon as there isn't the particular animation selected as default for this object.

    Example 1:
    ObjectA has no inactive/active image. Just 2 Animations with the Name of anim1 and anim2
    In the button properties there is no default animation selected.
    An action part sets anim1 to be played and anim2 to be hidden
    An action part is directed to display an object text for ObjectA
    -> Text is rendered behind anim1

    Example 2:
    ObjectA has no inactive/active image. Just 2 Animations with the Name of anim1 and anim2
    In the button properties there is no default animation selected.
    An action part sets anim2 to be played and anim1 to be hidden
    An action part is directed to display an object text for ObjectA
    -> Text is rendered behind anim2

    Example 3:
    ObjectA has no inactive/active image. Just 2 Animations with the Name of anim1 and anim2
    In the button properties there is anim1 selected as the default animation.
    (An action part sets anim1 to be played and anim2 to be hidden) <-- just in case
    An action part is directed to display an object text for ObjectA
    -> Text is rendered in front of anim1
    An action part sets anim2 to be played and anim1 to be hidden
    An action part is directed to display an object text for ObjectA
    -> Text is rendered in behind of anim1

    So actually the text gets only rendered in front of an animation if the animation is the default animation of that said object.
    Dont know if this is intended. As a workaround I now have to add an extra object only for displaying that Text ... weird

    kind regards

    Thread Captain

    2346 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeSunday, 28. August 2016, 02:33 9 years ago
    Text should always be displayed on top as far as I'm aware, however there does seem to be an issue in that animations linked to objects that are started manually don't seem to acknowledge the parent objects characteristics, for example: visibility value of said object. I was talking to Simon about objects & animations yesterday, so hopefully it will be sorted out for the next update.

    Quick question: are your scene objects ordered correctly? Try clicking on the double yellow arrow icon on the toolbar to see if it reorganizes them, as it could just be a draw order issue due to scene objects not being in the correct draw order based on the scene object center values.


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by sebastianSunday, 28. August 2016, 03:14 9 years ago
    Yes. there was only one object (button) on that interface. It gets only displayed above if the animation is selected as default before.
    I solved it by displaying the objecttext on another button (actiomn area) which is a layer above.

    Thread Captain

    2346 Posts