Buggy wav sounds on Version 5?

  • #1, by BennoniFriday, 10. July 2020, 18:44 4 years ago
    Hey  guys,
    my first game is about to be finished, I did it in the demoversion 4 and just purchased the new 5 version.
    In the last days I could bring a friend of mine to get into it and play around with the current demoversion. I noticed some of the sounds (wav files) were not played correctly. They were horribly distorted. I thought it's a problem of my friend's pc.
    But now I tested my own game, and I have the same problem here.
    The background wav sound is heavily corrupted.
    I know I know ogg is the best. But wav worked fine so far.
    What went wrong there? Do I have to change all wav to ogg now?

    Thanks in advance and best regards!


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  • #2, by afrlmeFriday, 10. July 2020, 23:16 4 years ago
    The reason OGG vorbis is the recommended format is because it's an open container format & it's also a million times smaller than wav. Just because something else works, doesn't mean you should use it.

    Anyway, to the point at hand... I would recommend converting your audio files to ogg (quality 10 or 100% or whatever the highest quality is - I forget), & make sure the files have the same names & are in the same locations as the wav files. Once you've done that, make a backup of your current ved file, because you are going to opening it up & editing the xml data directly, & it's easy to accidentally make a mistake.

    Right, to open up the ved file & access the xml code you will need to use a text editor, such as notepad++, sublime text, or atom. Once you've opened it up in one of those programs you should be able use find/search to look for .wav & then there should be an option to find all/replace all, which will let you replace all instances of .wav with whatever you type, so type .ogg & then save the file. All of your audio files should be linked to the ogg versions now.


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  • #3, by MachtnixFriday, 10. July 2020, 23:58 4 years ago
    The conversion to ogg can be done when the sound is mixed. Okay. But as long as the sound is processed, I'd like to have the Wav format to edit, because that's lossless. But apparently, the wav format doesn't seem to go into Visionaire at all anymore?

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  • #4, by afrlmeSaturday, 11. July 2020, 13:39 4 years ago
    Yeah the original wav files are good to keep around for if you need to edit them. As for ogg, it only takes a matter of seconds to convert a sound from wav to ogg with Audacity, so as long as you convert immediatel after you have finished editing the wav, then it won't seem like such a daunting task as if you were to convert all of your files at the same time - there's also probably some batch converters floating about out there, but I don't know the names of any of them off the top of my head, sorry.

    As mentioned already, wav files are huge, & are not good in terms of optimization.


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  • #5, by MachtnixSaturday, 11. July 2020, 14:39 4 years ago
    That are two different things: makes sense to use ogg, because of it's advantage in size, but the question is: doesn't Vis support wav any longer? Even if I wanted to use wav, I couldn't?
    I have a feeling that yes: I couldn't.

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  • #6, by afrlmeSaturday, 11. July 2020, 20:38 4 years ago
    I have no idea whether or not wav is still supported. I have never used it with VS before. & again, why would you want to use wav? it's a massive inconvenience to the people downloading your game, due to the size of the audio files, which is the same reason that webp is recommended over png as the image format

    I propose a test. I want you to take one of your wav files & convert it mp3 320, & ogg (quality 100) & then I want you to add all 3 versions into the playlist of your media player of choice & set playback mode to random, & then I want you to close your eyes & press the spacebar button & see if you can tell the difference between the 3 different files without knowing which is playing. I also want to know what the file size is of all 3.


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  • #7, by BennoniSunday, 12. July 2020, 09:39 4 years ago
    Thanks for your quick response.
    Ok, so I'll better get converting.
    Only the last step to finally finish the game, it won't stop me now grin

    PS: Yeah works fine, not too much of a task. But I just noticed another thing which I've seen on my friend's pc and blamed it for. But seemingly it's no matter of the pc: if I'm in the linking menu of windows, there are no fonts displayed in the other file section. Here a pic for better understanding. Does or did this occur to you as well?

    PPS: Yes, other wav and mp3 files still work fine. Seemingly only a few of them are troubled for some reason.


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  • #8, by afrlmeSunday, 12. July 2020, 10:49 4 years ago
    I think that's a bug. Someone else reported it recently on the VS discord server, though apparently it fixed itself for them, so most likely it's something to do with windows itself & not visionaire?


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  • #9, by MachtnixSunday, 12. July 2020, 15:07 4 years ago
    I have no idea whether or not wav is still supported. I have never used it with VS before. & again, why would you want to use wav? it's a massive inconvenience to the people downloading your game, due to the size of the audio files, which is the same reason that webp is recommended over png as the image format

    I propose a test. I want you to take one of your wav files & convert it mp3 320, & ogg (quality 100) & then I want you to add all 3 versions into the playlist of your media player of choice & set playback mode to random, & then I want you to close your eyes & press the spacebar button & see if you can tell the difference between the 3 different files without knowing which is playing. I also want to know what the file size is of all 3.
    I told that I use wav during the creating process. Opening the Vis editor left and Audition (or sth. like this) right to mix I only need to switch, because the source  files are with layers and effect machines and filters. They must be uncompressed. 

    After generating the soundmix the final sound will be converted to ogg, but it's the very last point, because I don't need ogg - only for the final game. 

    If you open a compressed ogg file (or mp3 which is worse), the mixing tool generates a uncompressed file with new ingenious elements in the RAM, interpreting the missing gaps. Doing this again and again the sound will be worse. It's the same like opening a jpg to make a tif again and again...

    So Vis has to support wav-files to do it like this.

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  • #10, by SimonSFriday, 17. July 2020, 09:24 4 years ago
    Wav is supported, but only 32bits and 16bits. If you have 24bits or something else it won't work.

    Correction: 24bits is supported. 8bit does not work.

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  • #11, by MachtnixFriday, 17. July 2020, 16:32 4 years ago
    Thank you. That info could help.

    It doesn't matter if 44 or 48 kHz?

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