Black character after load savegame

  • #1, by wimfTuesday, 18. August 2015, 10:40 10 years ago

    If I change something in my game, or if a player sends me his savegame (savegamexx.dat) for debugging, when I load the savegame, everything works except my character is entirely black.

    The command i very simple : "Left click<>load game"

    It is possible to solve this? The problem is that with each new version of my game, old savegame not work, the character is black.

    thank you

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  • #2, by wimfThursday, 20. August 2015, 13:35 10 years ago

    someone you he had the same problem?

    Thank smile

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  • #3, by AlexThursday, 20. August 2015, 14:32 10 years ago
    that happens because of invalid light maps. In a compiled game the files are referenced by an internal index and not by the filename for faster access. When a game is modified and new files are added (new images, sounds, etc.) the internal indices can also change when the game is compiled later. This seems to be the case here. Currently there is no solution, a workaround would be to reset the light maps after loading a savegame.

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    378 Posts

  • #4, by wimfThursday, 20. August 2015, 15:14 10 years ago
    Hi Alex

    Thank you.

    I have deleted all lightmap and after, i have this test on 2 computers :

    Computer 1 :

    1. I start a new game
    2. I take 1 object
    3. I make 1 savegame
    4. Exit

    Computer 2 :

    1. i copy the savegame from computer 1 to computer 2
    2. I start a new game
    3. I load the savegame

    Same problem, without a light map and i have nothing changed elements of the game (same version on 2 computers) , my character is black ...

    If i load my savegame in the original computer, the character is normal.

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  • #5, by turricanThursday, 20. August 2015, 18:45 10 years ago
    Try to delete the whole savegame-directory!
    Its in C:\Users\\AppData\Local\VisionaireStudio\\Savegames or, if you game has an own name then C:\Users\****\AppData\Local\GAMENAME
    Had a similar problem.... wink


    43 Posts

  • #6, by wimfThursday, 20. August 2015, 21:23 10 years ago
    Hi Turrican

    Same problem after cleaning the local data directory (c:\users\Wimf\Appdata\Local\Wimfgame)

    After, I have modify my character (change Png to Webp) but same problem

    If i play the game with Visionaire Editor and save, and if i reload the savegame in editor, it's working, no problem... But if i compile the game , and i reload the savegame (make with editor) in the compiled version, my character is black.

    Same problem if i save the game with compiled version and reload savegame in visionaire studio,and on the same computer....

    I don't understant roll

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  • #7, by sebastianThursday, 20. August 2015, 21:40 10 years ago
    try to save and load only in the compiled game.

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  • #8, by wimfThursday, 20. August 2015, 22:05 10 years ago
    Save and load with the compiled game is working (only with my savegame).; With a savegame for other player, same problem.

    it is a problem because when the game is complete, if I have to publish an update (patch), the player will no longer use his old savegames.

    Especially Deponia games like that created with Visionaire studio, and had patches, yet remain functional savegame.

    Or should make a complete backup via lua script, but I do not know if it will solve the problem, and how I should do to save it all...

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  • #9, by pinsWednesday, 12. April 2017, 22:11 8 years ago
    Hey everyone!

    I was wondering if a workaround had been found for this issue. Quick reminder, in short:
    After loading a save from a previous version, the lightmaps stop working and characters are displayed black.

    Any help appreciated, thanks! smile


    66 Posts

  • #10, by afrlmeWednesday, 12. April 2017, 22:17 8 years ago
    Hey everyone!

    I was wondering if a workaround had been found for this issue. Quick reminder, in short:
    After loading a save from a previous version, the lightmaps stop working and characters are displayed black.

    Any help appreciated, thanks! smile
    According to SimonS you could try adding set background music action part & set lightmap action parts inside of at begin of scene actions to fix bugs like those. Apparently it's something Daedalic do or something.


    7285 Posts

  • #11, by pinsWednesday, 12. April 2017, 22:22 8 years ago
    Jolly good! I'll give that a try and hope it'll squelch the moans from my testers. Thanks a lot for the lightning-quick reply and I'll post a follow-up soon.

    PS: Nice to see you again smile


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