Avoid chain-skipping display text actions

  • #10, by pinsFriday, 28. April 2017, 12:02 8 years ago
    Oh, right, yeah, I can see why that would be a good idea.

    Well, I modified the "click_delay" action like this:

    hide cursor
    Execute script: game.AlwaysAllowSkipText = false
    Pause 500ms
    Execute script: game.AlwaysAllowSkipText = true
    show cursor

    So now, basically, every text displayed by a character will start by hiding the cursor. It doesn't make a real difference on the gameplay, since the cursor was already hidden when text was displayed, but at least I don't need to start a cutscene every time. I went for "hide cursor" instead of "begin cutscene" because I didn't want to interface to be invisible in those cases.
    I think it works, I will have to test it further.


    66 Posts

  • #11, by afrlmeFriday, 28. April 2017, 12:28 8 years ago
    ok dokie. smile

    I really wish we had option to display a specific inactive/loading mouse cursor during cutscene hide/show cursor events & display texts. I really don't like the fact that the engine hides the cursor as you can technically still move the mouse cursor around - it doesn't appear in same place it was when it was hidden if you messed about moving the mouse around while the cursor was hidden.


    7285 Posts

  • #12, by pinsFriday, 28. April 2017, 12:58 8 years ago
    Yeah, maybe the option to add a custom cursor when you can skip text wouldn't be a bad addition.

    After some testing, I've decided call the click_delay action both on text starting and text ending, just to be sure.
    But now I'm facing another tiny problem: I often use the same "display text" action part, breaking it with "<p>" tags. Unfortunately, it seems only the first block of text is unaffected, as anything following the <p> doesn't trigger a textStarted event.

    As I wasn't sure I would be able to explain that accurately, I made a small demo.
    The part on the bottom is what's inside the action block, in the first case one single "display text" acton part, internally divided with <p>, in the other, two distinct action parts. In both videos, I was repeatedly clicking to skip the text.


    As you can see, the part after "hogwash" is skipped instantly in the first case (and so is the part after "Shh", which is only one action part too). In the second case, it all works swimmingly.

    Will I have to break up all those occurences in multiple "display text" action parts?


    66 Posts

  • #13, by afrlmeFriday, 28. April 2017, 13:09 8 years ago
    Yes, if you want it to register textStarted/textEnded as that only seems to listen out for when text event is added to the active text table or removed - I'm guessing that's what the engine does on text.

    I guess you created them like that because you aren't planning on adding any voice over recordings?


    7285 Posts

  • #14, by pinsFriday, 28. April 2017, 13:14 8 years ago
    Alright, well, it's gonna be tedious, but at least it won't be difficult grin

    And yup, that's why! I've also made them so they won't skip automatically, I've noticed playtesters going at wildly different reading rhythms, so I though it would be best to go that way when there's no guidance from a voiceover.


    66 Posts