Arrow-Key-Movement Question

  • #20, by MehrdadThursday, 12. March 2015, 13:20 10 years ago
    That's great news Lee.thanks . But when? . next week? next month ? ......
    I don't start my game yet because need some extra action like platformer for my game. I think can finish base of my animations and scenes this month but unfortunately I don't choose engine yet .I still think to AGS because it have more flexibility in my opinion. If you can give me hope for Lua and list of next features and estimate release date I stick to VS and don't look back anymore.


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  • #21, by afrlmeThursday, 12. March 2015, 14:11 10 years ago
    Sorry, not my department. I just provide support. The engine development & release dates are down to the dev team.

    I can't give you hope of anything. Personally I would prefer it if you stopped constantly asking for the same things all the time, as they will be done, if & when the devs decide. Pestering is not going to speed up development of any new features.

    There is a changelog on the team wiki, but I don't know if I'm allowed to share the link to it on here. The only thing I can tell you really is that the next release is mostly a bug fix version, although there are a few new minor features, that will probably come in handy to some people.


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  • #22, by CrossFriday, 13. March 2015, 14:12 10 years ago
    You're right, the waypoints seem to bee the problem with the script. If you remove them from a scene, it's working okay, besides the problem, that the values for the destination seem to have to be very high (+100), which causes problems with the wayborders. Still, it's working to a certain degree: I had my character chased by a zombie in a simple pacmanlike setup and evading him with wasd-controls was quite fun.


    92 Posts

  • #23, by afrlmeFriday, 13. March 2015, 14:40 10 years ago
    David is currently working on trying to implement gamepad support. I assume keyboard support will also be on the agenda too, as gamepad will require the use of action areas to work & some functions to tell the character to walk right, left, up, down, diagonally etc...


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  • #24, by JoelTuesday, 05. May 2015, 21:58 10 years ago
    Hey Guys

    Sorry to dig out this old Topic but i have a follow up Question(s):

    First of all, Cross' Method worked perfectly and i can move my Character left and right now! But i'm not really sure how to set these Variables when the Character is entering Action Areas. I can't find this specific condition to be exact, probably because i'm a Noob.

    The second thing is, how would you go about when it comes to other Keyboard Actions for example: Character walks over Hotspot, if i now press enter, the character talks. OR: a Key to open the Inventory, scroll through the items and pick one to use (without a Mouse). Basically again, like it was done in Cat Lady. smile

    Thanks Guys!! By the way, it works really smooth! But of course my requirement is quite simple. Just left/right and well... no Mouse at all wink

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  • #25, by afrlmeTuesday, 05. May 2015, 23:49 10 years ago
    The general idea for the upcoming controller support is a sort of system that uses both radius & the mouse cursor (reticule in case of controller), so that objects will only be clickable / interactive if player is inside of the radius.

    You could technically create the same system yourself. I've actually written a radius script a few months back or you could use the action area system found in the way system tab.

    All the things you are asking for are technically possible using keyboard with a bit of scripting; especially in regards to cycling & selecting items from inventory with keys - don't think that will be possible with key actions & action parts alone.

    By the way have you tested plugging in a controller? the xbox 360 controller is the recommended one. The character can sort of be controlled but it's early stages yet so it's not working very good. The character looks like it's doing some kind of crazy epi-dance / fit. Kind of crazy.


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  • #26, by JoelWednesday, 06. May 2015, 00:31 10 years ago
    Hey thanks for your answer smile

    No i dont have a controller unfortunately, but if theyre working on that kind of support im sure it will work great in the end. In the meantime i would really like to get started full steam ahead on my game so whatever it takes. You have to tweak AGS as well to get similiar functionality so i had no illusions that i get around scripting somehow.

    Unfortunately, im no coder at all apart from some Construct visual drag and drop "coding" if you want to call it that. I think the best way for me would be to team up with someone who is more clever than me and can set me up with such a system. If basic commands for the game logic require scripting its not really a problem for me when i get them explained beforehand but i think im too stoooopid to get such functionality implemented in reasonable time. I love Visionaire and i want to use it so if anyone is willing to help me out with such a System id be forever grateful. We can also talk about financial compensation if that's what it takes. I just purchased my indie license and am chewing out art and animation and i'm super pumped to get started but the keyboard mechanics are something thats essential to me for my game sooo guess i have to find a way to tweak it smile

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  • #27, by afrlmeWednesday, 06. May 2015, 01:15 10 years ago
    I'm always up for a bit of freelance work - more so if it involves more scripting as opposed to visual development. I don't mind the development side, but it gets a bit tedious at times having to navigate around the editor selecting action parts & tweaking their parameters. For me, it's faster to script when possible.

    The general idea behind the controller when the devs have finished implementing it, will (hopefully) also be taken to provide proper keyboard control support for the character by using whatever internal functions the controller will use. However...

    ... for now, we have to create our own functions & methods for interacting with scene objects & characters. How you go about that is up to you, whether you decide to use action areas or use calculated radius values from objects center or specified positions.

    You would probably need to use a function to add the current object into a variable so that you can trigger the correct action when pressing the interaction or examine keys etc.

    Overall I think it's pretty complicated but entirely doable.

    P.S: I'm busy over the next few days with some other freelance work & it's my sisters birthday the morrow, so it would have to be after the weekend if you want my help. I'm also busy with a full length game project, but I'm allowed to take on freelance work when available, as the project is royalty based. (percentage of kickstarter & any sales made after publication).


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  • #28, by CrossSunday, 10. May 2015, 17:10 10 years ago
    1. Create a new action area in the waybordersystem (e.g. in front of a door).
    2. In the lower part of the screen you can now create specific actions for this action area. Here create an action with "current character enters area".
    3. Create a second condition (e.g. is_in_front_of_bathroomdoor) and set it to "true" if the character enters the action area.
    4. Create a key-action (e.g. space pressed) with a simple if-structure: if is_in_front_of_bathroomdoor is true, then ... (e.g. show open door animation).
    5. Create another action for the action area (current character leaves area) and set the condition is_in_front_of_bathroomdoor to false.

    Instead of a condition you could also use variables (0=no action, 1=bathroommdoor, 2=window, etc.). It works that way, i tested it, but it's certainly a bit complicated.


    92 Posts

  • #29, by JoelSunday, 17. May 2015, 22:24 10 years ago
    Hey Cross. Thanks! Are you working on a similar Project? Seems to me you know a lot about these kind of things smile

    Certainly is kinda complicated, i wish Visionaire had a Keyboard Option built in also for stuff like cycling through the Inventory but oh well...

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  • #30, by afrlmeSunday, 17. May 2015, 22:59 10 years ago
    I wrote a script for cycling through the inventory... well it cycles the images in the inventory at any rate. It doesn't specify the active inventory item though. I suppose for that you could determine which item has the index id of 1.


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