Anyone can help me with MI 3 UI style?

  • #1, by priabudimanTuesday, 02. September 2014, 00:46 10 years ago
    Ive tried to download it from the VS Shop, but the link is dead, and the other on on the forum is not accessible, it may be my network is blocking me from acquiring the file. perhaps someone can help me out with this? post a mirror if possible. it'll help me a lot!


    12 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeTuesday, 02. September 2014, 00:53 10 years ago
    Nigec would be the person to ask about that. He made it ages ago though & I'm not sure if he still has it or not but he was considering making a new version, sometime in the near (ish) future; whether he does get around to it or not is another question entirely!


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by priabudimanTuesday, 02. September 2014, 00:57 10 years ago
    i see,

    Do you know any alternatives with similar purposes? MI3 GUI

    Ill try sending a PM

    and ill hold on with the current UI for now, at least until i have a working demo. i guess i can just work on the UI later right?

    Thank you so much for the reply!


    12 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeTuesday, 02. September 2014, 01:08 10 years ago
    Actually I can help you out...

    I made this a couple years back mind.


    7285 Posts

  • #5, by priabudimanTuesday, 02. September 2014, 01:28 10 years ago
    thank you so much! ill take a look inside and see what i can learn from it. i wonder if this UI can be used in right click rather than holding left click.


    12 Posts

  • #6, by afrlmeTuesday, 02. September 2014, 02:57 10 years ago
    I don't see why not wink

    In my version of the coin interface, you didn't have to keep hold of left mouse button. Only for a second or so, if I remember correctly.


    7285 Posts

  • #7, by NigecTuesday, 02. September 2014, 09:54 10 years ago
    I removed them from dropbox because some examples had problems with v4 then had a hard drive failure,
    the example was just a stripped down version of the verb disc in the demo game but I added a right click inventory

    Key Killer

    635 Posts

  • #8, by OcasoMonday, 22. September 2014, 15:55 10 years ago
    I downloaded the files from dropbox, and when I run the "game" I see the image, but nothing else works, and I get no interface. Is it my fault?


    14 Posts

  • #9, by afrlmeMonday, 22. September 2014, 16:46 10 years ago
    Are you talking about my example? If so then it will only work if you hold left mouse button down over an object that exists. i.e: the airplane. The reason for this is so that it only executes the command or item from inventory on the object below the cursor.

    However there are multiple ways to go about creating this sort of interface. Mine is just one of many.

    I believe this page here, might be of interest to you. Although it seems I have yet to create the tutorial page for the coin/ring interface. Oh well...


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