Any good free graphics programs for beginners who suck at art?

  • #10, by raym18Thursday, 29. August 2013, 01:13 12 years ago
    Hello Yinsho
    actually there is one very good program called iClone
    personally I use itgrin for my characters and animations
    and they have a free trial ,you can try it if you like it go pro
    this is the link:

    hope it helps


    5 Posts

  • #11, by afrlmeThursday, 29. August 2013, 01:58 12 years ago
    Hello Yinsho
    actually there is one very good program called iClone
    personally I use itgrin for my characters and animations
    and they have a free trial ,you can try it if you like it go pro
    this is the link:

    hope it helps

    oh looks quite clever & I take it, anyone who has Kinect can plug it into their computer/laptop & calibrate it to iClone to control movement? like a green screen without needing a special suit or screen smile


    7285 Posts

  • #12, by YinshoThursday, 29. August 2013, 02:12 12 years ago
    Awwww, man. That looks like a great program, but sadly I can't afford to buy it, so I don't even want to try to demo. I' end up getting hooked on it, and then once it ran out I'd be sad.


    35 Posts

  • #13, by YinshoThursday, 29. August 2013, 04:17 12 years ago
    It was my birthday a week ago, anyone wanna buy iClone for me? ;3;
    XD I'm kidding, mostly.

    But yeah, AFRLme, I saw a demo reel thing on youtube, and you can do that. Looked cool.


    35 Posts