Ok I've pondered on what you are wanting to do a wee bit & here is my simple global solution...
-- let's create a global function which automatically locates current character & their outfit & then plays the assigned animation
function playCharAnim(anim)
tblCharAnim = {} -- let's create an empty table
tblCharAnim["_temporary_"] = "" -- let's set the table as temporary table
tblCharAnim["anim"] = getObject("Game.GameCurrentCharacter.CharacterCurrentOutfit.OutfitCharacterAnimations[" .. anim .. "]") -- stores the animation into a variable which we can use for the startAnimation function
-- * break * --
startAnimation(tblCharAnim["anim"]) -- will play the assigned animation
this is simple to use:
1. copy the script above into the script editor & set as a definition script.
2. you should name all similar animations for each outfit the same: example: anim_take
3. it's a good idea to join names together with _underscore as opposed to leaving spaces.
4. to execute the script you need to use the "execute a script" action part & inside of this add:
-- example...
the animation name must be wrapped in either "speech/quotation marks" or in 'apostrophes' & the names are case sensitive.
hope this helps?
P.S: the dev & beta builds are a lot more bug free & stable than 3.7.1...
the beta builds have been rewritten practically from the ground up (almost) - few kinks that they need to iron out first mind but I've not had any issues with animations etc in the dev builds, thus far.