you should be making use of the "else" action part in your if queries!
for example: in the first attachment: all of the actions underneath the "end if" will always be executed regardless of the if condition query above. I do not know if you intend for it to do this or not; but if not then you should add an "else" action part before the "end if" & then move up all of the action parts below the "end if" in between the "else" & "end if" action parts. finally: you do not need to use the "quit current action" action part; it is mostly for if you are looping an action or something & need it to break/stop before the end of the query or listed actions.
in the second attachment you should use a single if query along with the else action parts... VS reads through the listed actions/lines in order & thus if you have multiple if queries inside of a single action & the conditions change while the actions are still being read (so to speak) then the actions inside of the if queries may be triggered regardless of whether or not you want them to be....
if condition "outfit_1" is true
play animation "a" and wait
if condition "outfit_2" is true
play animation "b" and wait
if condition "outfit_3" is true
play animation "c" and wait
if condition "outfit_4" is true
play animation "d" and wait
end if
end if
end if
end if