AdventureX 2015 - London December 12-13th

  • #20, by AzureMonday, 02. November 2015, 19:54 9 years ago
    @ARFLme totally understand was extending that to anyone making a game and who is on the fence.

    @Joel cool see you there!


    6 Posts

  • #21, by tristan-kangMonday, 02. November 2015, 20:15 9 years ago
    What the makers of Deponia are doing now?

    Daedalic Entertainment did a great job for VS. Maybe in order to promote VS, we need their help more.

    Or one of us makes the masterpiece.

    By the way, it seems like my small question made this thread turbulence. lol

    Great Poster

    267 Posts

  • #22, by afrlmeMonday, 02. November 2015, 20:33 9 years ago
    There are a few other nice games made with VS that have already been released. Stasis. Bunker - The Underground Game. & there are other nice looking games on the way. Paradigm for one. I think The Dark Inside Me does a nice job of illustrating the 3D character system, but I think the game / demo needs a lot of work to get it out of the alpha-alpha state it's currently in.


    7285 Posts

  • #23, by tristan-kangMonday, 02. November 2015, 20:38 9 years ago
    I also have interested in Paradigm. And also tiny & Tall: Gleipnir as well. So bad its kickstarter has failed. But gladly the devs didn't give up.

    I know Akcay's work. grin Yes, it's a model game for 3D models used in VS.

    Great Poster

    267 Posts