AdventureX 2015 - London December 12-13th

  • #1, by AzureSaturday, 31. October 2015, 10:45 9 years ago
    AdventureX is a convention dedicated to Adventure ( and other narrative games e.g visual novels, interactive fiction, RPGs). We are now in our fifth year, the convention has several parts; a talk room where various panels and talks talk place and an exhibition area where you can show off your games or go and play game demos and meet devs.

    Sign ups are open for talks and exhibitors so if you're making an adventure game or have made one please consider signing up ( or poke your favourite devs to do so). I don't think we've yet had a visionaire talk submitted.

    We have a bunch of people fly in each year ( this year we have Americans, Germans, & Swedes all coming down so far!), so if anyone needs help finding accommodation let me know.

    If you want idea of what goes in, a short film was shot in 2012:

    AdventureX 2015
    Sat Dec 12th and Sun Dec 13th 2015

    Stuart Hall Building / New Academic Building
    Goldsmiths University of London
    Lewisham Way, New Cross, London SE14 6NW

    Sponsored kindly by
    SCREEN 7


    Please Tweet about the event! Use hashtag #AdventureX

    Please Like us on Facebook to receive news and alerts:

    Doors open 10:00am. Show ends 5.30pm daily. Join us for drinks on Saturday night at a nearby pub!

    Special Guests


    Demos/games on show

    Sanctuary Interactive
    CBE Software s.r.o.
    Infamous Quests
    ...more TBC

    Other things:
    On-site cafe serving tea, coffee & snacks
    Free WiFi, disabled access (lifts) + toilets
    Wide variety of shops, pubs + restaurants 5 mins from venue

    ...Floorplan, schedule and other info to be announced...


    6 Posts

  • #2, by JoelMonday, 02. November 2015, 11:25 9 years ago
    I'd like to attend smile I can't give any talks though since i haven't even finished my game yet and am by no means an expert on Visionaire but i think it would be cool to give it a bit more exposure since AdventureX is normally quite AGS-centric (not that there is anything bad with that wink)

    If any of you guys here in the Forum are there too, let me know!

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    129 Posts

  • #3, by tristan-kangMonday, 02. November 2015, 14:32 9 years ago
    Maybe I'll join on next year (AdventureX 2016) event.

    Need to save budget. 66 pounds for train... lol

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    267 Posts

  • #4, by JoelMonday, 02. November 2015, 15:13 9 years ago
    Aww too bad... well this trip gonna cost me around 400 swiss francs but luckily i can afford it... smile Would be cool to meet some Visionaire people smile

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  • #5, by tristan-kangMonday, 02. November 2015, 16:05 9 years ago
    If you attend it on next year as well. We may meet each other. grin

    400 francs. Lucky you can afford it.

    By the way, you may need to know some British games. Like Downfall(remake) from the same developers of The Cat Lady and Bertram Fiddle.

    Recently Bertram Fiddle launched the Kickstarter but lacking 5,000 pounds from now making the project unstable.

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    267 Posts

  • #6, by JoelMonday, 02. November 2015, 16:28 9 years ago
    I know of them smile So many games to play, so little time grin

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  • #7, by tristan-kangMonday, 02. November 2015, 16:31 9 years ago
    Let's see the developers attend on this event. smile

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  • #8, by JoelMonday, 02. November 2015, 16:38 9 years ago
    They haven't been announced yet but i know that the Quest for Infamy guys will be there as well as some people from Wadjet Eye. As i said, lots of AGS Developers wink

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  • #9, by tristan-kangMonday, 02. November 2015, 16:40 9 years ago
    Adventure Game Studio...

    What's your main reason to prefer VS over AGS?

    To me, bigger resolution, 16:9 wide screen support.

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    267 Posts

  • #10, by JoelMonday, 02. November 2015, 16:54 9 years ago
    More modern framework, a rewritten engine, cross-platform compatible with less headaches and you can get far with it without any actual coding. Plus it's developed by Germans so as a neighbour i have to show a bit of solidarity razz

    BUT i'll say this: i really like AGS's community that they built over the years and i would argue that it's currently the widest and best adventure development related forum out there which probably adds to the ongoing popularity of the engine wink Plus they have all these little Events like OROW or MAGS where users make small games in a short amount of time which i think is a neat idea wink

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    129 Posts

  • #11, by afrlmeMonday, 02. November 2015, 17:08 9 years ago
    I wanted to set something like MAGS up for VS but I don't really think we have enough members to keep it rolling each month or quarterly. Also I wouldn't be able to provide any actual prizes unless we could find some third party support.

    I know MAGS prize isn't really a prize. The winner gets to pick the theme & set the conditions for the next competition. It would be interesting to see what people could come up with in 48 hours or over a 5 day working period.


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