Action If Character Has Item In Inventory

  • #20, by esmeraldaSunday, 24. June 2018, 21:23 6 years ago
    "called by another action" means this if query where you change the outfit is only executed when it is called (like by the action part: call action)

    In your case I would recommend calling the action you allready created in the actions tab of your character when picking up one of the 3 items. You can give the action a different name so you can identify it better. (double-click on name)
    (Or you could create if queries in every pick-up-action of the 3 items, but that would be more work)

    pick up item - action:
      - add item to inventory
       - call action "your action in character tab"

    your action in character tab:
      if character has item1
        if character has item 2
          if character has item 3
            change outfit
          end if
        end if
       end if

    just to be clear: the pick-up-action should be in the actions of the scene-object your are picking up. But I guess this part is working for you, is it?
    The other action that you are calling can be in the characters actions or in the scene or where you like.

    Key Killer

    524 Posts

  • #21, by minds_Sunday, 24. June 2018, 21:42 6 years ago
    Thank You very much. I used call action in object and it worked well. I appreciate your help smile

    Sorry to bother again, but im new in Visionaire. How to end game in this case -  my character picks up 3 items, so his outfit changes and i want game to end like that. How to do that?



    4 Posts

  • #22, by esmeraldaSunday, 24. June 2018, 21:46 6 years ago
    There is an action part called "quit game" found in miscellaneous.

    Key Killer

    524 Posts

  • #23, by minds_Sunday, 24. June 2018, 21:49 6 years ago
    Oh, just simple as that. Thank you esmeralda for help. Glad i wrote here smile


    4 Posts

  • #24, by esmeraldaSunday, 24. June 2018, 21:50 6 years ago
    You are welcome. :-)

    Key Killer

    524 Posts