About items

  • #1, by JorkzSunday, 26. November 2017, 07:56 7 years ago
    Hello !!
    It's my first game and I don't find the solution anywwhere.
    Please pardon my english, it's not my native language and I'm quite bad.
    First I created an item in the scene.
    When my character take this, this item becomes an item in the inventory and disapears in the scene,  it seems correct.


    When I use the command "take" on that item, the cursor is changing to the item's png.
    It also seems good.


    So I want my cursor (when it's a right click)  to change again to the the cursor "go to" and the item goes back to the inventory.



    ...But that's not working.
    Please, can you explain what's wrong ?


    90 Posts

  • #2, by esmeraldaSunday, 26. November 2017, 11:00 7 years ago
    You change the condition "manipcle" by right-clicking on the item. But you removed the item from your inventory by executing the command "take. So you have nowhere to right-click on. Right-clicking with the cursor somewhere in the scene does not execute the command right-click on item.
    So you habe to change conditions on the general right-click-command (mouse properties).

    Or you could use the build in "dragging item" system.

    Key Killer

    533 Posts

  • #3, by JorkzSunday, 26. November 2017, 12:13 7 years ago
    Thank you for your reply !!

    ...The problem is, I absolutely don't understand the "draggin item" system.

    Is it in item's Actions/conditions ?  With "item dropped" choices ?

    Can you explain how does it work, please ?

    I've already try to find the solution but... without success.


    90 Posts

  • #4, by esmeraldaSunday, 26. November 2017, 13:16 7 years ago
    I normally use a left-click/right-click - interface (broken sword style) so I'm not totally sure I'm telling you the right thing to do, because you seem to be using multiple commands (use, take, look...). Sebastian did a couple of tutorials on different interfaces which I recommend. They are in german, but maybe watching what he is doing is enough...

    You need to check the box "allow dragging items from inventory" in the game proberties tab, then the box "items can be dragged with this command" in the properties of your command "prendre".
    Then an item you click on in your inventory will be dragged, i.e. the cursor changes to the image of the item (same image as in the inventory).
    To use the item, I execute the command "item dropped" on a scene object.
    (see images below)

    I guess, when using multiple commands, you have to choose execute command "use" and the item.

    Edit: to use the dragged item on an other item in the inventory, you use "item dropped" in the actions of the item (immedeate execution)
    I just wach a tiny bit of sebastians tutorial on the drag & drop interface (tutorials are here: https://wiki.visionaire-tracker.net/wiki/Tutorials), and item dropped seems to be right even when using multiple commands.

    Key Killer

    533 Posts

  • #5, by JorkzSunday, 26. November 2017, 13:44 7 years ago
    I don't use the version 5 because i don't understand it.
    I'm on the 4.2.5.

    So I don't see where is the menu "command properties" on your second picture.

    Is there the same thing on the 4.2.5 ?


    90 Posts

  • #6, by esmeraldaSunday, 26. November 2017, 13:52 7 years ago
    It is the same in 4.25.
    In the Interface Tab you click on your command and there is a tab command properties.
    Here is a picture of visionaire 3.7 which is quite similar to 4 as far as I remember. (vis 4 doesn't run on the laptop I'm currently on)

    Key Killer

    533 Posts

  • #7, by JorkzSunday, 26. November 2017, 13:55 7 years ago
    Sorry, yes there it is.
    I will watch sebastian tutorial


    90 Posts

  • #8, by JorkzSunday, 26. November 2017, 14:54 7 years ago
    Okay i finally understand what is the problem !
    I don't use the basic functions of VS with the classic drag n drop.

    ...because when i use a command (for example "take") on the item I want it with another picture.

    So I have to change the cursor... isn't it ?

    The drag n drop system seems working but I don't find how to come back to the orinal cursor ( "go to" )  when the right click is activated ??

    Where can I do this please ??


    90 Posts

  • #9, by esmeraldaSunday, 26. November 2017, 17:11 7 years ago
    In the mouse proberties tab you see an action symbol next to the  entry right-click. Press in it, a Windows opens where you can insert actions, Mike change curor or change command. 

    Key Killer

    533 Posts

  • #10, by esmeraldaSunday, 26. November 2017, 17:18 7 years ago
    Sorry, can't find the edit function in the mobile version. I didn't mean Mike, I meant: like.

    Key Killer

    533 Posts

  • #11, by sebastianSunday, 26. November 2017, 21:10 7 years ago
    The builtin drag&drop system will overwrite the current command. You will have the item in your hand until right clicking to lay it back. You cant shuffle through the commands with an item in your hand to switch back to another command and arrive to the hold item after some time like in the old sierra adventure games.

    Either have commands to shuffle through (by rightclick or another interface type) or hold an item with the drag&drop. No mixing with this system tp have the item as a specific command.

    Thread Captain

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