5.1 Bugfix 2 uploaded

  • #1, by SimonSMonday, 04. May 2020, 22:56 5 years ago
    Hi guys, the bugfix update 2 is uploaded and here are the missing change logs.

    Further documentation can also be found here: https://www.visionaire-studio.com/luadocs/index.html
    There are subpages for the audio system, ilios and lua.

    Changes in 5.1:
    - Components in the scene tab
    - Ilios, a programming language
    - behaviours can be attached to objects, via ilios
    - now there are svgs for high dpi
    - on mac with metal screenshots are now working
    - lots of crashes fixed
    - the light skin is now deactivated because it's not really well maintained, in the future there will be a better way
    - spine update
    - new box2d integration
    - editor plays sounds of animations
    - particles are now components
    - on pause random animations are not played
    info: interface buttons are now relative to the offset, including all display texts for buttons
    Bugfix 1
    - editor now takes less cpu in background
    - crashes with metal
    - crash with movies
    - switched to png instead of svg for fullhd
    - components now shown in preview list
    - search now works for texts
    - movies are in front of everything
    - spine text misplaced
    - movies not cut off at edges
    - interface items jump on first display
    - charactersize can not been overridden (set scale to false to do it now)
    - spine not centered in editor
    - crash when deleting particle
    - linux crash with libpng
    - autocomplete for ilios
    - snoops are black in editor
    Bugfix 2
    - object order for interaction wrong
    - increase max texture size to 6000x6000
    - html5 saving now working
    - spine preview in waysystems too big
    - spine crashes with old files
    - spine object center preview misplaced
    - shaders can now created on mac with metal
    - right click / double click skips walking to object
    - android now working on 5.0
    - set character to position now updates action areas
    - now waiting for turning on position
    - restricting scrollable area now working
    - animations are now also scaled around center like sprites
    - earthquake position is reset after stopping
    - stop button not usable
    - crash with 3d models
    - 3d models not turning correctly
    - inventory item animation not shown
    - rtf / html text export is missing chars

    What am I working on now: I'm reworking the ilios compiler to register based, adding more functions for it, testing, testing, fixing bugs.

    Thread Captain

    1593 Posts

  • #2, by joemidTuesday, 05. May 2020, 00:28 5 years ago
    Thank you so much, Simon! 


    87 Posts

  • #3, by tudor-stamateTuesday, 05. May 2020, 05:47 5 years ago
    Awesome! Thanks a lot, Simon!

    Reading through the changelog it seems the engine got updated quite a bit, can't wait to play with everything new.

    Unfortunately, I don't know why I can't update to the latest version. I've hit the Check for Updates... button and it prompted to update to 5.1.0 Bugfix Update 1. I checked again, but no other update is available. Is the second patch included in that Update as well or it's just still processing?

    Again, thanks a bunch for the fast update! You rock!


    27 Posts

  • #4, by joemidTuesday, 05. May 2020, 06:29 5 years ago
    If you update on the prompt, it should automatically update to the latest version.


    87 Posts

  • #5, by tudor-stamateTuesday, 05. May 2020, 06:45 5 years ago
    Oh! So I am on the latest version, my bad.

    Unfortunately, for our project, the interaction bug is still present. Although, on closer inspection it happens differently:
    Load the project (saved with 5.0.9) -> Play game (fresh; no saves) -> Play until save (interaction bugs still happen) -> Quit Game -> Play Game with Load Game -> Bug does not happen

    Hope my description is readable, haha. I've managed to reproduce the bug in builds as well, not only from in-editor Play.


    27 Posts

  • #6, by SimonSTuesday, 05. May 2020, 09:36 5 years ago
    Can you build me an example ? Currently characters are not checked correctly in the list. One other bug with sorting is also present, that depends on the count of objects.

    Thread Captain

    1593 Posts

  • #7, by el_geeTuesday, 05. May 2020, 10:48 5 years ago


    45 Posts

  • #8, by tudor-stamateTuesday, 05. May 2020, 12:13 5 years ago
    Can you build me an example ? Currently characters are not checked correctly in the list. One other bug with sorting is also present, that depends on the count of objects.
    Sure thing! I have created a project with one of our scenes where this happens. You can download it from here: https://we.tl/t-Eds4dH4OZU

    On first play, it will directly switch to the scene. After 1 second it autosaves. Clicking on the small door of the stove will display text instead of first opening the door. On second play, it will load the previous autosave. Clicking on the small door will open it. Clicking again will display the text.

    While stripping out things from our project for this example I've noticed another thing: Disabling/removing some Interfaces (namely Settings, Credits, PauseButton & Inventory) from the main Character seemed to fix the bug...

    Thank you very much for your support Simon. It's very much appreciated.


    27 Posts

  • #9, by chronologicSaturday, 09. May 2020, 12:03 5 years ago
    Hi Simon,
    My inventory items each have an animation with 2 frames. One frame shows the normal item image and the second frame is a blank png, which is selected to be shown when the item starts to be dragged, to hide it in the inventory slot.

    When the item is dragged, the static image (not the animation) was previously being used by VS as the mouse cursor, and so I had also added cross hairs to the static image to help with more accurate dropping onto scene objects.

    So this scenario allowed me to have one image for the item, another to hide it in the inventory slot, and a third being used while being dragged.

    It seems that one of the bug fixes has changed the dragged cursor icon to now be the animation instead of using the static image.

    Could you please make this an optional setting? 
    i.e. Either to use the static or animated cursor when dragging.



    25 Posts

  • #10, by markus-creativeMonday, 11. May 2020, 20:20 5 years ago

    Visionaire Studio automatically started the update process for version 5.1.0, but I cancelled it by mistake. How can I update now, respecively where can I find the check for update button?



    47 Posts

  • #11, by afrlmeMonday, 11. May 2020, 20:44 5 years ago
    open up the editor. hover over one of the play button icons next to the search bar. click on the go to viseditor.log option. open up the viseditor.ini file in notepad or something similar (notepad is fine) & edit the date on this line "LastUpdateCheck" & set the date to yesterday or something - make sure you close VS before editing/saving the file. Relaunch the editor & it should prompt the download again.


    7285 Posts