4K resolution!

  • #10, by patrikspacekFriday, 05. January 2018, 16:17 7 years ago
    Sebastian:   Thanks a lot!  I will try it.

    AFRLme:   Doesnt matter why... I wanna do it for many test performance reasons and quality testing on big screens.

    VS team:   I still think, you should add this 4K option to the new version. Thanks
    I will also check if there is a way to have VS games on Xbox and PS platforms. VS website have Xbox and PS icons, but there is no any word about how to do it. Even Wiki doesnt say anything about it and any of licenses is mentioning Xbox or PS platforms...


    6 Posts

  • #11, by afrlmeFriday, 05. January 2018, 16:44 7 years ago
    VS has 4K resolution support for both the editor & for games. It's just not listed under the resolution dropdown. Use the explorer tool.

    Yes, VS has support for PSN & Xbox One, but I believe you need developer licenses from Sony for PSN - not sure about Microsoft. PS license is very expensive from my understanding. If you have the licenses, you can talk to SimonS about it. It's not included in the regular export options for the game engine.


    7283 Posts

  • #12, by patrikspacekSaturday, 06. January 2018, 03:16 7 years ago
    Thanks AFRLme...


    6 Posts

  • #13, by LebosteinMonday, 08. January 2018, 09:36 7 years ago
    What is the problem to add the ScreenX and ScreenY field to the game properties page of Visionaire? So anybody can choose his own resolution without asking these question over and over again. The existing drop down menu with pre selected resolutions can stay there. If you select a resolution via drop down, then the ScreenX and ScreenY field will be filled with the selected one.

    Key Killer

    621 Posts

  • #14, by afrlmeMonday, 08. January 2018, 12:44 7 years ago
    The dropdown is more of a guideline to show people what resolutions they should/could use. I have no idea why some people want to create their games in resolutions that are not standard. I've seen a few of you on here base your games default resolution on some old monitor with an uncommon window resolution, which is not the way to go about it at all.

    If you intend on distributing or selling your games to people then they should use one of the standard more common resolutions & not whatever resolution your monitor is.

    The most common aspect ratio for monitors that people own these days is 16:9.
    1280x720 (720p)
    1366x768 (most common laptop resolution)
    1920x1080 (1080p)

    For low res pixel games I guess you have a bit more freedom as it doesn't matter too much as the games are going to be played in window mode or scaled up to fit the players monitor resolution anyway.

    My 2 cents (as the saying goes) is that if you are working on an HD game then you should be aiming towards 1920x1080 for your default resolution or at least 1280x720 which should scale up nicely. 1366x768 will also scale up nicely for people using 1080p monitors. For pixelart I'm not so sure what resolution to recommend. Take the Blackwell game series, the developer used a different resolution for each game & even ended up using 720p or thereabouts for the final game.


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