[SOLVED] Tooltips in Visionaire Studio

  • #1, by sebastianSunday, 04. September 2016, 01:28 9 years ago
    Hey there,

    feeling a bit bad because im spamming the forum with questions right now gringrin
    But maybe it helps some people anyway.

    So where can i find these tooltips? Would be very helpful:


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  • #2, by afrlmeSunday, 04. September 2016, 01:45 9 years ago
    haha! I'm not even sure that actually does anything, or if it does then I've just never noticed it.

    Hmm, you seem to have an extra option on the mac version of the editor as we don't have a checkbox for debug output - it just seems to occur randomly for us when editor crashes. Sometimes it shows up & sometimes it doesn't - no idea why at all.


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  • #3, by sebastianSunday, 04. September 2016, 01:47 9 years ago
    just resize the window. the two last points are completely hidden for me until i make the window bigger. grin

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  • #4, by afrlmeSunday, 04. September 2016, 01:54 9 years ago
    D'oh! Never even realized it was there. grin

    Wish VS forms were a bit more dynamic so they resize the inner fields based on current form size or add scrollbars if form sizes are too small to see everything. There's other sections like the characters section - especially outfits / 3D character stuff because the only way you can see everything properly is on a 1080p & above screen. Some of the stuff is hidden if I try to view VS on my laptop screen.


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  • #5, by SimonSSunday, 04. September 2016, 11:34 9 years ago

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  • #6, by afrlmeSunday, 04. September 2016, 12:08 9 years ago
    @ Simon: I thought it was that, but it still displayed those tooltips when I disabled them in the options menu. I guess maybe you have to restart the editor before the changes take effect?


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  • #7, by sebastianSunday, 04. September 2016, 12:43 9 years ago
    aah, there it is...
    Would be nice to have these tooltips on every scene, menu, object, condition, value, interface, character, etc

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  • #8, by afrlmeSunday, 04. September 2016, 13:03 9 years ago
    I think the most confusing thing is that it says something about object path in scripts is one method or something & it made me think that you could hover over something in a script & it shows a tooltip of where the object is actually located in the editor, but of course it doesn't & I doubt it would unless Simon can manage to add a proper auto-complete system for the scripting stuff in a future build. Fingers crossed that he does as it would be an awesome feature welcomed by veteran scripters & beginners alike.


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  • #9, by SimonSSunday, 04. September 2016, 13:40 9 years ago
    @Afrlme: You need to switch to some other object and back, then the settings are reloaded.
    @Sebastian: Doesn't always make sense, since you know most of the time which owner the object has.

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  • #10, by sebastianSunday, 04. September 2016, 14:45 9 years ago
    Was ich halt ein wenig vermisse ist die Möglichkeit irgendwo den exakten Objektpfad (für Lua) zu sehen (oder gar zu kopieren). Gerade Leute, die nicht so ganz bewandert sind mit Scripting würde das enorm helfen irgendwo eine Ausgabe dafür zu haben, weil oft einfach falscher Syntax dazu führt Stunden lang auf ein Objekt zuzugreifen und man hat einfach nur die " vergessen oder sowas grin (auto-complete im Skripteditor würde das natürlich enorm verbessern)

    EDIT: why did i wrote that in german xD?? (... Simon should understand anyway)

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  • #11, by joemidSunday, 04. September 2016, 16:15 9 years ago


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