[SOLVED] changing frames of inactive animations (cursor)

  • #10, by sebastianSaturday, 10. September 2016, 23:21 8 years ago
    I used "show animationdetails on" for listing (and showing) all currently loaded animations wink . See EDIT 1/2 above.

    @keyboard: I am using the wider keyboard with numpad and page up/down keys over the arrows. But i guess you have to press... *opens drawer and looks at his bluetooth small keyboard* ... hmmmm... fn + ARROW UP/DOWN

    FN+(Arrow up/down) = Page up / down
    FN+(Arrow left/right) = go to top or bottom of a page
    CMD+(Arrow up/down) = go to top or bottom of a page
    CMD+(Arrow left/right) = go to beginning/end of a line

    Thread Captain

    2346 Posts

  • #11, by afrlmeSunday, 11. September 2016, 00:17 8 years ago
    Cheers mate. smile

    Being forced to use the mac at the minute & I've no idea on the keyboard shortcuts as I don't use it very often.

    Yeah show animationdetails is one method. Print Animations print all the game animations to the log file. I was sure there was one for printing all active animations, but all I could see was print preloaded animations. Still print animations should be ok as it prints out all the animation names.


    7285 Posts

  • #12, by sebastianSunday, 11. September 2016, 14:48 8 years ago
    Just feedback for the animation frame stuff:

    I had to use the mentioned method where every frame of the active/inactive cursor checks every time what state the item has to change its appeareance.
    It works so far but the change will take affect AFTER the first frame is played. So for a short time the item and the cursor look like the default state.

    Thread Captain

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  • #13, by afrlmeSunday, 11. September 2016, 14:51 8 years ago
    You could set the first frame as a transparent image. Then force from frame 2 onward? Might be less jarring. You could also manually adjust the pause value for the first frame too.

    Are you sure it executes the actions afterwards? Should really execute them as soon as animation frame is displayed unless you added a pause action part before the actions.

    Alternative method could be to use a Lua loop as I'm pretty sure you can check the current frame index value of an active animation. You could create a table to check against, but I think using a Lua loop would probably be more taxing on the whole as it will constantly be running through the entire function block you set for the mainLoop while ever the loop is active compared to having the animation frames query as needed.


    7285 Posts

  • #14, by sebastianSunday, 11. September 2016, 17:27 8 years ago
    i would set the first frame to have less durations to display and in it deciding its appearance and lock the frames to one of the following frames in the frame action.

    because this is an activeanimation it seems that this frame locking gets resetted every time it unloads thr animation. Everytime the item gets shown in the inventory or the cursor is set the first frame should run the action.
    So i could try to have the "heavy stuff" in the first frame with low duration and the other frames are free from any action...

    Thread Captain

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  • #15, by afrlmeSunday, 11. September 2016, 17:50 8 years ago
    Aye, I did say that anything you change in the active animation fields would be undone each time it's unloaded / reloaded. Anything you changed in the regular animation table would remain though, but not most of the useful data structure fields are only available in active animations.


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