#1, by wimfSaturday, 10. February 2018, 19:13 7 years ago
I have a bug with a scene that I do not understand ...
Even if I start a new game, this problem is present, so it's not a savegame problem.
In my first room (the living room), I have drawers. If I open them, I run the command "SHOW SCENE / MENU" and I choose the scene "DRAWER"
Then in the drawer scene, I have objects that I can take without worry, and also click on a 'return' icon to return to my living room.
Everything works fine.
I also have in other scenes the same process and that works.
By cons, in 1 room (hall), I have a cardboard box. In this box I have an object and a "return" icon.
I use exactly the same process (show scene / menu => scene box) but when VS shows me the scene, I can not click anywhere. My cursor responds well when I hover over the return icon or the object, but the click does not generate any action.
But I have exactly the same code as in the other scene (Left click -> Show Hall scene)
I do not know if I explain myself well.
The "beginning of scene" is identical on both scenes, and the action between the room and the drawer, or the action between the room and the box is the same (show scene)
I really do not know where the problem is