[Android] - Play Store Upload not working anymore (64bit and min API Version 28)

  • #1, by Johannes Reß-2Monday, 21. October 2019, 14:10 5 years ago

    apks exported with the current version of Visionaire Studio can not be imported to the Google Play Store anymore.

    There are two error messages, that I can see in the first place and a couple of warnings:


    - Starting August 1, 2019, your apps published on Google Play will need to support 64-bit architectures.
    - Minimum API Version for new Apps is API 28 (currently 26)

    Is there a hidden Update for Visionaire to fix this? Am I able to fix this directly in the APK?

    I need to push an update to my existing Android game rather urgent - help would be very much appreciated.

    Thank you!


    31 Posts

  • #2, by Johannes Reß-2Tuesday, 22. October 2019, 21:58 5 years ago
    So meanwhile I was able to change the API Version directly in the manifest file, but 64-bit architecture might not be solvable without an Visionaire update.

    Can someone help me with this issue?


    31 Posts

  • #3, by TinTinWednesday, 23. October 2019, 17:27 5 years ago
    Only Simon can solve it. I put your post in Discord now.

    Edit: May you wait for next update

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  • #4, by Johannes Reß-2Thursday, 24. October 2019, 10:23 5 years ago
    Simon told me via DM, that he is working on an update to fix this - just in case anyone else is waiting for it.


    31 Posts

  • #5, by darren-beckettWednesday, 01. January 2020, 21:06 5 years ago
    We are :-(

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  • #6, by SimonSWednesday, 01. January 2020, 23:05 5 years ago
    I uploaded the 64bit version months ago.

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  • #7, by darren-beckettThursday, 02. January 2020, 00:29 5 years ago
    Oh, nice one.
    I missed that memo :-)

    Great Poster

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