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  • shaderViewport with shaderLamp

    HelloI am using shaderViewport (zoom). Is it possible to make the shader lamp stay in place during this process? (in fact, they just remain in their original coordinates. But they need to be fixed on the lamps ... that is, they do not respond to zoom) bind function does not help in my case...bind("light1", "lights[1].position", shaderPoint(inverty(scrollfix(field("{x, y}"))), 1))Thanks

    by red363, A year ago

    red363 A year ago
  • RE: How to get this started on Ubuntu

    I tried as suggested... it gave me this:fedor@studeerkamerPC:~/projecten/visionaire studio$ ./vis.AppImageSDL Dynamic API Failure!Couldn't load overriding SDL library. Please fix or remove the SDL_DYNAMIC_API environment variable. Using the default SDL.5:37:45.168:Initializing graphics interface. Surface size: 1366x768, render size: 1366x7685:37:45.237:Loading '/tmp/.mount_vis.Ap1sDbsO/xml/images.xml'...5:37:45.237:Loading image-list "etypedata"...5:37:45.248:Loading '/tmp/.mount_vis.Ap1sDbsO/xml/language.2.english.xml'...5:37:47.154:Loading '/tmp/.mount_vis.Ap1sDbsO/xml/structures.xml'...5:37:47.155:Loading '/tmp/.mount_vis.Ap1sDbsO/xml/actions.xml'...5:37:47.155:Loading '/tmp/.mount_vis.Ap1sDbsO/xml/actionParts.xml'...5:37:47.156:Finished sorting action parts.5:37:47.156:Loading valid links...5:37:47.157:Successfully loaded 'xml/validlinks.xml'.5:37:50.000:no uniform bias in shader5:37:50.000:OpenGL init: Incomplete attachment.5:37:50.002:no uniform resolution in shader5:37:50.002:no uniform resolution in shader This was on my Ubuntu 20.04 desktop with a NVidia graphics card, I get the same message on my Ubuntu 22.04 laptop that has an Intel graphics card.

    by fedor-van-eldijk, 2 years ago

    fedor-van-eldijk 2 years ago
  • RE: Problem withe shader script, lighting, help needed [SOLVED]

    Interesting. So it was caching &/or not correctly updating the shader variables? Adding local made a new variable each loop which seems to  have solved the issue.Have you updated the shader toolkit script on your luadocs page with that edit @ Simon?

    by afrlme, 2 years ago

    afrlme 2 years ago
  • Problem withe shader script, lighting, help needed [SOLVED]

    Hello!I found some bug, and I can't solve it, I'm sure that the problem is with the script, because. There was already a similar story here: The essence of the problem is similar, only now it is connected with shader lighting.The essence of the problem: two light sources are placed in the scene. When you exit the game in the menu and after loading the autosave (continue the game) everything works. However, when completely exiting the game, and then restarting and loading autosave from the menu (continue game), these lights do not to the scene with an example:!Anl4w4tP7uAPhOVnlUVkUrYADwsY7g?e=nNim6AI would be very grateful for any help, for me this is a very critical problem, because. lighting is used in most of the scenes and this is the main design element.

    by red363, 2 years ago

    red363 2 years ago
  • RE: Apply the shader effect to only one scene object

    That thread is really old & I don't know if the shader toolkit still works that way. Also you need to make sure you include the latest version of the shader toolkit as a definition script in your project, because if you are using an older version it may not work correctly.You can always find the most recent version [url=]here[/url].

    by afrlme, 2 years ago

    afrlme 2 years ago
  • Apply the shader effect to only one scene object

    Hello!Tell me, please, is it possible to apply the shader effect to only one scene object?I tried using this script from Afrlme setObjectEffect(eff)  shaderAddEffect(eff)  shaderRemoveEffect(eff)  shader_effects[eff].num.strength=1  bind(eff, "time", field("shader_iTime"))  shaderSetOptions({{shader = shader_effects[eff].num(), comp_dst=5, comp_src=4 }}, 1) endBut for some reason it doesn't work for me (Visionaire version,the object to which I apply is simply not displayed (smeared with a black square).Thanks

    by red363, 2 years ago

    red363 2 years ago
  • RE: Shader_Exclude

    Hello!Tell me, please, is it possible to exclude the influence of the shader on the "object text". Thanks I have the same question! five nights at freddy's

    by stephen-moses, 2 years ago

    stephen-moses 2 years ago
  • RE: Shader_Exclude

    Thanks for the answer!Yes I know that. But perhaps there is a way to exclude a certain interface and not all at once? Let's say I'm completely satisfied with the exclusion of the cursor and text, but I would like to exclude literally one button (interface). And let the shader affect the rest of the interface

    by red363, 2 years ago

    red363 2 years ago
  • RE: Compilation problem for MacOS

    Alright, the shader is the problem, metal needs all varyings to be named the same in fragment and vertex. So just go to fourbit / Vertex and replace uvVarying with texcoord in the 2 locations.Thank you very much, Simon.I'll test and post the result

    by red363, 2 years ago

    red363 2 years ago
  • RE: Compilation problem for MacOS

    Alright, the shader is the problem, metal needs all varyings to be named the same in fragment and vertex. So just go to fourbit / Vertex and replace uvVarying with texcoord in the 2 locations.

    by SimonS, 2 years ago

    SimonS 2 years ago