Up-World, a space opera adventure game featuring the Visionarie Engine !
Set in a distant future, this Point&Click relates the story of Arcadia Walker, a former soldier now-turned smuggler and Captain of the Bastille. Caught with her crew in an ongoing civil war between the ever powerful Interplanetary Federal Government (IFG) and the dissident Indigo Order, Arcadia finds herself forced back onto the front-line she desperately fled before.
But with war, come choices.
And with choices...come consequences.
Hello you!
Please allow us to introduce you to Up-World. A Point&Click adventure game developed by Recurring Void, and powered by the Visionaire Engine !
Cue the trailers :
The game is in development and should be released by march of 2018. Thanks to your votes on the greenligh, the game will be available on Steam !
But don't leave just yet !
For we have plenty of stuff made especially to quench your thirst for news and goodies !
First, We have a tech demo. Though not representative of the game itself, it should give you an overall idea of what we wish to accomplish.
You can download it for
FREE here !
We also put up a Website/Devblog. You'll find there everything you need to know about the game. Download, News, info, Podcast ... We got it all !
And finally, Since we are among the hip kids in town, we also set up a Facebook page ! We dare you to come by and give us a like !
For more info on Up-World, other fantastic homemade games as well as the latest news on the best of the point&click, don't forget to suscribe to Visionaire's Newsletter !
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