04.02.2017 | Visionaire Projects | Hessu

Rauniot game

Rauniot is an isometric post-apocalyptic point and click adventure game which takes place to Northern Finland near Saana fjeld.

Here you can find more info about the game: http://rauniotgame.com


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  • hessu
    8 years ago
    But anyways for me VS in this case is really awesome find. smile
  • hessu
    8 years ago
    Yeah, I guess it's pretty much what kind of things project and developers require from the engine. 3D,2D, easy pipeline, etc...
  • afrlme
    8 years ago
    Chris told me he would probably be using VS again for another solo project at some point in the future. As for "Song for Viggo", it's back to the original individual rather than a team. He switched to Unity after the Kickstarter campaign, because he acquired a team & they wanted to work in Unity.
  • marvel
    8 years ago
    Recently many developers jumped back from Unity to Visionaire, like daedalic entertainment or the team who develop "Song for Viggo". There are some more if I remember correctly. smile There are also more and more universities that use Visionaire Studio for their education programs.
  • afrlme
    8 years ago
    Yeah, though I wonder if any have jumped ship over to Unreal 4 since they made that free? I've not used either Unity or UDK personally (yet). Anyway, I guess I should have started off my first reply by saying "welcome to the Visionaire Studio Community". It's nice to see already established developers giving little old VS a try - hopefully official version of VS 5 when Simon has finished ironing out the kinks for it will bring us a little closer to modern standards. wink
  • hessu
    8 years ago
    Totally forgot to download Cayne, need to play it some time. Also forgot to support BD. Both checked! Thanks for reminding. We are using also Unity at shiver games. Seems to be pretty common choice for developers these days.
  • afrlme
    8 years ago
    Speaking of STASIS. Chris recently released the free stand alone DLC "CAYNE" which is set in the same universe. They have a Kickstarter campaign on the go for a new game. Unfortunately both CAYNE & the new game "Beautiful Desolation" Chris & his brother is working on are both developed in Unity instead of Visionaire Studio.
  • hessu
    8 years ago
    Hello, this is currently my solo side project and at very early stage. I think I spread more info about the project when I reach some key goals/steps. I saw Stasis and got interested in this engine as an artist. So yeah I use Visionaire to fulfill my darkest fantasies. Pretty amazed how easy it is.

    Thanks for playing Lucius! smile Truly sorry about those killer achievements. Can't really remember how we ended up to set those timelines to them.
  • afrlme
    8 years ago
    P.S: checked out your profile page & linked portfolio website. I see you worked on the Lucius games & co-founded the studio that developed them. See, now that would have been interesting information to know - by the way I've only played the first Lucius game, but at the time I only had my laptop & I had fps drop issues whenever I broke any objects like glasses or plates or bottles for some reason. I persevered though until the only 2 achievements left were the ridiculous play for x hours ones which would have probably melted my laptop if I'd idled the game for 20 or 40 hours, so I didn't bother with those :shakeshark: @ you or whoever came up with those achievements. grin
  • afrlme
    8 years ago
    Could you please add some more details to your news post please? Maybe some information about your game, estimated release date, upcoming Kickstarter/Greenlight campaign, maybe some information about yourself & your team? Whether or not this is being developed in Visionaire Studio (the news section should only really be used for games, news & competitions related to Visionaire Studio).

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