21.09.2016 | General | Marvel

New Website launched

We are happy to present the brand new Visionaire Studio Website and Community. During the last months we created a new website layout, modernized our forum and erased many redundant functions. Now Visionaire Studio is presented in a astheticly appealing website.


Brandnew, modern layout
The former Visionaire Website looked outdated, so we made a fresh start and created a brand new, modern layout. In doing so, we also invested a lot of time into the responsive representation. We are happy to let you know that you can now finally access the website and the forum on smartphones.

New forum
We created a new forum with a well-appointed insite-editor, a new image upload and a forum search. It's much easier now to create and discuss topics. We also added an area with the top posters and added forum ranks. Using the forum is much more fun now. 

New user profiles
User profiles can now have social links like Patreon. You have a Patreon account to raise some money as an indie developer? Then please add it to your account, so that everybody can find it. 

License codes
We always had problems with some delays regarding the submiting of license codes. Now license codes will be submitted automatically and shortly after a license purchase. We have also provided some additional payment methods.

Visionaire Manual
We listened to the community and started the development of an official manual that explains all the functions of the Visionaire Studio Game Engine. We have started with the german manual and as soon as the german manual is finished we will go for an english translation. With our new manual-section we have provided YOU the opportunity to write your own manual and submit it for others. Feel free to check it out.

Download Area
We have provided a new download area which includes many free downloadable games, as well as templates and drafts. This area will grow and should be of great help to everyone. If you have a game or a draft to offer, please tell us and we will add it to the list. In the near future you will be enabled to add them yourself.

Changes in pricing
We realized that some of our prices (especially the mobile license) needed readjustment. We changed the price of the mobile license to €125. The distribution license is now at €500. We also provide an official education license for schools and universites for a price of €250.

Additonal languages
The Visionaire Studio Website is now available in german, english, spanish, italian, french and czech. Thanks a lot to all the supporters who helped us with translations. You are great people! smile

We have many plans for the future and already designed a couple of additional community functions that will help you to add, organize and share your games. At the moment we are busy with the new Visionaire Studio updated version and will need some time to develop additional community functions. But it will come.

We hope you will have a lot of fun and success with the new Visionaire Studio Website.


4 Kommentare

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  • redspark
    8 years ago
    Looks great!
  • Mateusz
    8 years ago
    A huge step forward in terms of readability and user-friendliness. Congrats guys, keep up the good work..
  • juansirlink
    8 years ago
    Congratulations, guys! I think the new website is intuitive and elegant! And the new price for the Professional License of VS 4 is really good.
  • marvel
    8 years ago
    I hope you like the new website. What do you think? smile

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