05.03.2021 | Projekt News | Crankschenk
Drawing Adventure Game Art with Procreate (iPad)
My first Udemy course is Online. Please tell everyone and share the link below. Thank you.
In this course I will show you, how to draw game items and how to create a complete adventure game scene in procreate on the iPad.
As a bonus, I will show you how to import your graphics into the point and click adventure game engine Visionaire Studio.
So this course is focusing on creating 2D art for games and it is not a course about the tool procreate, and how to use all option in detail. I will show you only the parts of the app, that I am using to create this art.
This course was created during the development of the adventure game "Nelson and the Magic Cauldron 2 - The Journey". When I started creating Part 1, I was looking for courses like this one. The workflow for creating a scene would have helped me a lot. I wanted to close this gap and show how I get from the sketches to the outlines to the finished scene in the game.
I hope you will enjoy it. See you in the course.
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