16.10.2017 | General | Afrlme
AFRLme: Patreon & Freelance game dev service
A'llo all, I setup a Patreon account quite a while ago & somewhat neglected to promote it. Hey, we're all human aren't we!? Well, possibly...
In case you are wondering what this post is about, then wonder no more; I'm just being a cheeky bugger & eBegging for your hard earned pennies, paper & sexy négligée - not joking on the latter. Anyway, if any of you would like to check out my Patreon & consider supporting me for the support I provide on here, besides running the wiki, the twitter account, the steam group & the discord server, then that would be much appreciated. $1 is fine, more is better, but if you're feeling a wee bit stingy then at least consider sharing the word about my patreon account &/or my freelance game development services.
https://de.tail.studio |
P.S: I also offer freelance game development services. Feel free to check out my portflio via the de.tail link (above).
10 Kommentare
Comments closed.Thanks a lot for your support so far.
I never posted anything on here yet so you don't know me but I have been using Visionaire Studio for some time to make my first point and click adventure game. Your posts (and posts of other team members of course) helped me a lot when I got stuck. So thought this is a good opportunity for a "Thank you" post. Will try to support however I can.
Hope to contribute to your freelance game development. I've been working with Jeremy Patterson and his academic games projects. Later I started my own author blog at where I continue volunteering work with the students from Tennessee Tech University.
Cheers, John Hite
Thanks a lot for your support so far.
I never posted anything on here yet so you don't know me but I have been using Visionaire Studio for some time to make my first point and click adventure game. Your posts (and posts of other team members of course) helped me a lot when I got stuck. So thought this is a good opportunity for a "Thank you" post. Will try to support however I can.
Thanks again and best of luck with your Patreon page.