A'llo, welcome to the VS forum.
First things first, you are assuming that Visionaire is a script based game engine. Now while scripting is possible (Lua script), it is not necessary.
To get a character to say something, use a display text action part. You can let it handle the duration automatically or you can insert a ptag at the end of the text.
You can add a pause between action parts in multiple ways, some action parts come with an optional wait option built into them. There are also action parts which you can use to tell the engine to wait until a character stops talking, stops walking, a sound stops playing, etc. & then there's the pause action part, which you can use to insert a custom pause value between action parts.
There is no reason to tell the character to walk to x - unless you need to do that for a cutscene or something. You can assign interaction positions & alignment in the properties section of the selected scene object. If a scene object has a position assigned to it, then clicking on the scene object will automatically make the character walk over to the scene object & align to the specifed alignment direction. You can also specify commands, items, execute actions/events at destination, or even execute actions/events immediately as soon as the player clicks on the scene object.
If you speak/understand German, then I would recommend watching Sebastian's video tutorial series - if not, then give William Kruger's video tutorial series a try. Both can be found via this page