Hello. Super. It's working
Ok for the code tags, sorry.
So, i have a videointro= no in my config.ini
but i have more one problem..
i have use your script :
cal fn = "config.ini"
local fr = io.open(localAppDir .. fn, "r") -- read from config.ini
-- * --
if fr then -- if file exists then...
lines = fr:read() -- read currently selected line
for lines in io.lines(localAppDir .. fn) do
line = string.lower(lines) -- convert all line content to lowercase
if not line:find("#") then -- skip all lines containing "#"
-- * intro video * --
if line == "videointro = no" then Values["introvideo"].Int = 1 end
if line == "videointro = yes" then Values["introvideo"].Int = 0 end
but my value introvideo is always = 0, although in the config.ini it is "no"
Thank you