Worrying last minute bug, shaderSetOptions

  • #1, by andiliddellSaturday, 31. January 2015, 02:01 10 years ago
    Hi guys

    I'm in the final throws of bug testing and adding audio to my Demo game submission, and for some reason one of my scenes has started randomly crashing?

    Its only once in a while it does it but here's the log:

    00:53:04: Error: ShaderSetOptions: An option has not the format string=integer
    00:53:04: Error: ShaderSetOptions: An option has not the format string=integer
    00:53:31: Error: Abnormal program termination. Saved dump file to 'C:\Users\Andrew\AppData\Local/Andi Liddell/FantasyQuest/vsplayer.dmp'
    00:53:31: Error: Executable: Visionaire 4.1 (Build date: Sep 29 2014, Build 1177)

    The player just shuts down a second or so after the scene starts, its a scene where I use the Shaders to do a viewport move:

    game.ScrollPosition = {x = 1280, y = 0}

    It then uses a tween to move the viewport back later:
    -- Scrolls the viewport window to the right side of the long bedroom over 6 seconds, using object tween

    Any ideas why this has started happening? Its the final scene of my game and Im worried it might crash again?

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  • #2, by andiliddellSaturday, 31. January 2015, 02:05 10 years ago
    actually Im not using shaders for that move anymore, I used to have a shader zoom in there but I removed it.

    any ideas?

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  • #3, by afrlmeSaturday, 31. January 2015, 02:41 10 years ago
    Don't need the shader script for it at all... the to() function is also faster & much simpler than the startObjectTween function.

    Problem could be that you are trying to force the scroll position when it's fixed to the character.

    Here's a quick working example.


    7286 Posts

  • #4, by andiliddellSaturday, 31. January 2015, 02:51 10 years ago
    Nice that to function is much neater, when did that spring up? smile

    I think I've found the bug, its actually a different scene which uses the blur shader, and I think I had a value of 0.8 as the blur.

    Weirdly the scene with the blur works fine and a totally unrelated scene without any shader effects was crashing..

    It hasnt happened for the last 30 minutes, so fingers crossed that was it.

    Thanks for the fast (and late) response

    Just to check ..Demo game submissions need to be by midnight tomorrow (UK time) don't they? smile

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  • #5, by andiliddellSaturday, 31. January 2015, 04:02 10 years ago
    Hmm it just happened again:
    02:58:29: Error: ShaderSetOptions: An option has not the format string=integer
    02:58:29: Error: ShaderSetOptions: An option has not the format string=integer
    02:58:29: Error: ShaderSetOptions: An option has not the format string=integer
    02:58:29: Error: ShaderSetOptions: An option has not the format string=integer
    02:58:29: Error: ShaderSetOptions: An option has not the format string=integer
    02:58:29: Error: ShaderSetOptions: An option has not the format string=integer
    02:58:29: Error: Abnormal program termination. Saved dump file to 'C:\Users\Andrew\AppData\Local/Andi Liddell/FantasyQuest/vsplayer.dmp'
    02:58:29: Error: Executable: Visionaire 4.1 (Build date: Sep 29 2014, Build 1177)

    As the character walked back into the room that had used the blur shader earlier, It wasnt in use at the time but the player just closed down.

    I've now removed any reference to the shaderToolkit, to see if that Helps...Which is a shame as I wanted to use it in the demo game submission. Ive recently added a particle effect to a room , could that be it maybe?

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  • #6, by marvelSaturday, 31. January 2015, 10:53 10 years ago
    Okay, I think Simon checks this, when he is online. smile

    Key Killer

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  • #7, by SimonSSaturday, 31. January 2015, 11:15 10 years ago
    I'm not so sure that's because of the shaders, Error: ShaderSetOptions: An option has not the format string=integer is happening all the time, it's no serious, haven't yet removed it, should maybe more like a warning. Please send me the dump, I might be able to find more in that. Also particle systems often caused crashes. I'm reworking them at the time, try if shutting them off resolves the problem.

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  • #8, by andiliddellSaturday, 31. January 2015, 12:05 10 years ago
    Just for completeness, this seems to have been verified as being caused by the particle effect in another thread:


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