Why clicking outside the area of the way borders gets ignored?

  • #1, by F_KalThursday, 16. February 2017, 21:32 8 years ago
    I'm trying to brush up my Visionaire Studio (already limited) knowledge and I'm banging my head to remember why (and how to overcome) that whenever I click outside the way borders, the character won't move at all (I was hoping that the character would try to approach the cursor while staying inside the way borders region)


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  • #2, by sebastianThursday, 16. February 2017, 21:49 8 years ago
    Your Wayborders are missing the waypoints inside them i guess. Because the char cant walk outside the region it tries to get to the nearest waypoint which may doesn't exist yet.

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  • #3, by afrlmeThursday, 16. February 2017, 21:55 8 years ago
    As Sebastian just said, Visionaire Studio requires way points (walk paths) inside of the way borders to be able to predict the nearest point for the character to walk to. If you don't include any way points then the engine has nothing to calculate & will end up ignoring any clicks (in empty space) outside of the way border.


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  • #4, by F_KalThursday, 16. February 2017, 22:15 8 years ago
    Thanks guys, I remembered that it was somewhat related to waypoints so I had put some "in the mix" already - but apparently they won't work. Am I doing something wrong? I've attached 2 scenes with their waypoint/border map!

    Thanks for the help!

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  • #5, by afrlmeThursday, 16. February 2017, 23:15 8 years ago
    Hmm... it might be because you appear to have used multiple separate way point lines rather than creating them all in the same spiderwebbed network. For some reason you can't currently add new points to existing way point lines (like you can do with way border lines), but you can select a way point & then right click another way point to draw a line to it. This way, you can create a closed network without overlaying multiple separate lines - which is not a good thing to do.


    I'm not saying my example is perfect. Just created some lines fairly quickly as an example.


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  • #6, by F_KalFriday, 17. February 2017, 01:46 8 years ago
    @AFRLme, you nailed it! That was it! Thank you so much!

    I deleted all separate lines and created a web of lines and it works just fine now!

    Not sure if it was the overlapping(intersecting) segments causing the issue, or if it was the fact that I had multiple independant segments or a combination of both (even though I did some quick testing and it looks as if it's the combination of multiple lines and intersections that cause the issue)

    Thanks again!

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  • #7, by afrlmeFriday, 17. February 2017, 01:54 8 years ago
    @AFRLme, you nailed it! That was it! Thank you so much!

    I deleted all separate lines and created a web of lines and it works just fine now!

    Not sure if it was the overlapping(intersecting) segments causing the issue, or if it was the fact that I had multiple independant segments or a combination of both (even though I did some quick testing and it looks as if it's the combination of multiple lines and intersections that cause the issue)

    Thanks again!
    Probably the overlapping. Visionaire also doesn't like it when you have stray way points/polygon points or overlapping polygon shapes. Why it's a good idea to think about paths & object polygon shapes before you create them. The stray way border points for instance can cause your game to crash on launch as was the case when Jacob (Paradigm dev) recently upgraded from Visionaire Studio 4.2 to 4.2.5 because Simon had updated how the way system & pathing works so that he could implement support for game pads / keyboard control methods.


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  • #8, by F_KalFriday, 17. February 2017, 03:06 8 years ago
    I see!
    Thanks @AFRLme, I'll stay away from overlapping segments then.

    I'm afraid however that the waypoint system feels to me a bit like black magic. 
    I understand that VS relies on it whenever the destination is outside the line of sight of the character's position; but seems there is more to it than that.

    Anyway, lets leave advanced pathfinding for another time ;-)

    Thanks again!

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