whats the target of print?

  • #1, by rhavin grobertSunday, 05. November 2017, 16:41 7 years ago
    In oder to debug (read: in order to guess differences between expectations by documentation and real behaviour of implementation^^) i came across print, which prints to *where*?

    I already found the console (documentation: "Nähere Informationen dazu finden Sie in einem separaten Kapitel." - ??), but where does my print print to?


    47 Posts

  • #2, by ke4Sunday, 05. November 2017, 17:02 7 years ago
    It prints into log file.

    Under Windows.

    Key Killer

    810 Posts

  • #3, by sebastianSunday, 05. November 2017, 17:46 7 years ago
    for macOS:

    Thread Captain

    2346 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeSunday, 05. November 2017, 17:53 7 years ago
    Or if you are using VS5 then you can read the log in the developer console while running your game via the editor. Press TAB to open & close the developer console.

    Also here's a quick tip: If you hover the mouse over the icons to the left of the search bar on the editor it will dropdown a menu. Click on the option that says "goto messages.log" to open up the folder containing the log files, save files & config.ini for your opened project.


    7283 Posts

  • #5, by rhavin grobertSunday, 05. November 2017, 20:03 7 years ago
    well, does not seem to work.

    I added a simple print("test") to a script I know that gets executed, but while the function does what it should do, the print goes to nirvana, there is no 'test' in the messages.log

    I need some way to output values for debugging.


    47 Posts

  • #6, by afrlmeSunday, 05. November 2017, 20:08 7 years ago
    Open up the options for VS editor. Go to player & set log level to info.


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