What speed do the animations run at?

  • #1, by Adventurer4LifeMonday, 10. November 2014, 03:21 11 years ago
    What speed do the animation run at? Like the frame rate of the application? So when I make the animation frames for say the walk cycle...


    9 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeMonday, 10. November 2014, 03:38 11 years ago
    I'm not really sure fps play much of a part in regards to animations in vs. If you want to check the fps then you could do so with something like fraps.

    You manually define the pause/delay between the frames yourself in milliseconds. It doesn't update frames on each loop if that is what you are thinking.

    You can either set a global delay rate between frames for each animation or you can manually set the delay between each frame or you can combine the two by enabling the set pause value for each frame option for any animation that you want to manually set. Any frames containing the value -1 will automatically use the global pause rate for that animation.

    I'm not sure if I've answered the question correctly but this is what I know about the subject matter in general.


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  • #3, by Adventurer4LifeMonday, 10. November 2014, 03:58 11 years ago
    hmm... ok. From my limited knowledge 2D animation with out some kind of control of the frame rate seams odd. Still I've played the Depoina game from Dalteck or w/e those guys are called and that seamed to work fine. .so go figure.

    Ok.. thanks man. I'll try and set a nice global and then adjust it on the fly if needed.


    9 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeMonday, 10. November 2014, 11:44 11 years ago
    It is controlled by you. You set the delay rate between each frame & on each loop of the system (or whatever you want to call it) it checks if specified time has passed.

    I know some 2D engines like Game Maker allow you to set max frames based on frames per second, but I believe you can still set pause value between frames, otherwise you would end up having to add loads of the same frame if you don't want it to change to the next one so quick.

    I believe vs runs @ 60fps? (more or less as the system loops every 1-5ms, sometimes a little longer depending on how much stuff you have on screen as 2D can be quite a hog).

    A global pause rate of something like 42ms would be approx 24fps.


    7286 Posts

  • #5, by SimonSMonday, 10. November 2014, 12:31 11 years ago
    VS runs at 60fps, it's v-synced, so if you have a 75Hz monitor it runs at 75Hz. With 60Hz a frame has a duration of 16,6ms, so all smaller settings will still evaluate to 60fps. Using 32ms will cause 30fps and so on. Problem is all values get quantized, so if you use 24 fps sometimes you have 3 frames, sometimes you have 2 frames until next image, that's why videos at 24 fps are often stuttering on camera movement. Youtube for example uses 30fps (60fps now possible), to better fulfill the 60fps with even changes.

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