Way point scaling problem

  • #1, by DilatedWednesday, 13. March 2013, 10:26 12 years ago
    Hey guys, first time posting here, recently discovered this engine and loving it so far.

    One problem I have run into is when scaling with way points, it doesn't scale smoothly. So instead of gradually getting smaller or bigger, it changes size in jerky steps. it does this in both the character preview, and when I run the game itself.

    Is there a setting some where which I have missed which I can change? I tried changing the sprite and background thinking it could of been a bug or file size issue, but it still persists.

    here is an image to get a better idea of a quick test I did for using the way points http://i.imgur.com/MXr3CnY.jpg " border="0" alt="" />

    Thanks for any help!

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  • #2, by DilatedSaturday, 06. April 2013, 12:16 12 years ago
    Hey guys I'm still having the problem with the scaling issue.

    I've tried multiple things now trying to fix it

    • Low res sprite (even tried just a single image and it still did it)
    • Different computer.
    • variation of scaling options in the way points and in the core settings
    • different backgrounds
    • more way points, less way points
    • different resolutions

    Here is a video to get a better idea what the problem actually looks like. (Walk animation works fine, just has issue with scaling.)


    Thanks for any help in advance guys.

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  • #3, by afrlmeSaturday, 06. April 2013, 13:54 12 years ago
    Have you played any games made with Visionaire Studio?
    maybe one of Daedalic Entertainment's games? (if so do they scale correctly?)

    Maybe it could be video card related ...
    If you could provide your machine details: make, model, cpu, ram, video card, vram, resolution, video card settings, os etc ...
    then maybe David might know if something is wrong hardware wise.

    Finally: for your walk animations - are all of the walk cycle images the same size or do they vary & have you set the correct animation center for each of them? (if the animation center or animation images are not correctly aligned then I suppose it could create jerky movement also)


    7285 Posts

  • #4, by CrossSaturday, 06. April 2013, 16:25 12 years ago
    I'm sorry to say, that i have noticed exactly the same problem myself, but found no solution so far. Even the scaling in the Visionaire-demogame has the same issues on my computer. There was once a german thread adressing the problem, but it didn't get any answer. Really hope, you get the problem solved.

    Das Problem nochmal in Deutsch: Beim Zuschalten der Skalierungsfunktion "laggen", zittern, ruckeln die Laufanimationen (insbesondere im Bereich der Füße), obwohl sie (bei mir) in der Vorschau oder ohne Skalierung der Szene butterweich aussehen. Das Problem tritt bei mir sogar im Demospiel von Visionaire auf. Dilated und ich wären für Hilfe wirklich dankbar.


    92 Posts

  • #5, by BigStansSaturday, 06. April 2013, 17:11 12 years ago

    which Visionaire version did you use?
    3.7.1 and the Demogame does stuttering too? I cleaned it up today: http://db.tt/SBJVgC1I
    Please describe your hardware by CPU and GPU smile

    Hope can help you then smile

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    361 Posts

  • #6, by CrossSaturday, 06. April 2013, 20:21 12 years ago
    Hi BigStans,

    i downloaded Version 3.7.1 through your link. Demogame still stu-tt-ers. (Sobald der Charakter in den Hintergrund läuft und das Scaling greift.)

    Mein System: Intel Core i5-2500 3.3 GHz, 8,00 GB RAM, NIVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 auf Win 7 64 Bit


    92 Posts

  • #7, by DilatedSaturday, 06. April 2013, 20:47 12 years ago
    Hey guys thank you so much for the replies.

    I tried the demo and I still see the stuttering but not as obvious. I'am also running the latest version of 3.7.1

    I recently just tried also increasing the walk speed of the character and the problem looks less obvious. However it is still there, it seems the main issue is scaling at a slower rate.

    Also all the walk cycles are fine, all are the same size and have the same centre points.

    And lastly I will try the demo on my laptop tomorrow when I get time and see if there is a difference.

    My hardware specs are : Intel Core 2 Duo 3.00 GHz, 8gb RAM, Nvidia GeForce GTX460, Windows 7 64 bit

    Cheers! Hopefully there is a solution as I love the engine except for this small issue.

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  • #8, by BigStansSunday, 07. April 2013, 00:27 12 years ago
    Hardware was enough and different, so it can't be an HW problem.
    Hm… But both Nvidia GeForce GTX.
    Normally it does not give issues with an Nvidia card. ATI has driver problems with openGL in every 2nd driver.

    I have an friend, which has also an GTX card, i hope i can test it.
    With fraps i have 50 FPS here on my hardware. :/

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    361 Posts

  • #9, by CrossMonday, 08. April 2013, 21:55 12 years ago
    Would like to demonstrate the problem again: in the videolink (sry for low quality) you can see, that
    a) the character is not scaling smoothly, but rather in three big steps, even though there are only two waypoints. The Hero in the Demogame shows the same effect.
    b) the character is constantly flickering. He does this also when scaling is off.
    Fraps shows 60 FPS ingame, so it can't really be an HW Problem.



    92 Posts

  • #10, by afrlmeTuesday, 09. April 2013, 00:43 12 years ago
    looks very strange!

    for me the demo game is stutters/flickers really bad ...
    I know part of the reason is that not all of the character animations are aligned correctly because they are all different sized images but still it flickers when walking really bad.

    Have you tried compiling your game into playable .exe file & seeing if it stutters/flickers inside of that?
    I haven't noticed any of Daedalic games doing anything like that (will check later to confirm mind)


    7285 Posts

  • #11, by mac-lionheartTuesday, 09. April 2013, 01:03 12 years ago
    Sali euch, (Hoffe ist inordnung das ich in Deutsch schreibe) habe zwar keine direkte Lösung für euch... Aber wollte au nochmal bekräftigen, dass i mir au nur arg schwer vorstellen kann... Das mit Visionaire erstellte Spiele "insbesondere" von Spielern selbst gemachte, einen heutzutage PC auslasten sodass ruckler oder vergleichbares endstehen! (Ausnahmen bestädigen meines erachtens die Regel)

    Allerdings hätte i mal eine frage diesbezüglich... ist das bei jedem Skallierungsfaktor der fall?
    Und habt ihr mal schrittweise versucht >99% Skalierung > 98% Skalierungs > usw zutesten?
    Oder ob es sich eventuell nur um einen gewissen grad an Skalierung handelt wo es anfängt zu laggen?
    (Würd mich echtmal interessieren)

    Denn ich hatte mal ein relativ ähnliches Problem, grade weil du (@Cross) die Füsse angesprochen hattest... denn grade bei dennen wirkte es bei mir auch Schlackernd! Allerdings war es in diesem fall nicht direkt der SkalierungsFaktor der dafür verantwortlich war, sondern die Kulissen Grösse... was erklärt bedeutet, sobald der Skalierungsfaktor "grösser oder kleiner" wurde... die Kulisse auf die Person zentriert wurde vom Kamera-winkel her... und es einquasi hoch & runter des bildes kam... was dann Ausschlaggebend für die zuckenden Füsse war!!!! : )


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