VS5 RC2 Crashes after editing a 'add item to inventory' action in npc dialog

  • #1, by crankschenkTuesday, 24. October 2017, 11:10 7 years ago
    Hallo allerseits,

    bei mir stürzt VS5 RC2 komplett ab und gibt meist die Fehlermedlung 'purecall error' an, wenn ich in einem Dialog die Aktion 'Gegenstand hinzufügen' einbauen will. Initial hat das mal funktioniert, jetzt leider nicht mehr. Den Fehlerbericht habe ich bereits gesendet. 

    Gibt es einen Workaround (z.B. die Aktionen direkt im XML einzubauen) oder muss ich auf ein Bugfix bzw. die Release-Version warten?

    Danke im Voraus.



    100 Posts

  • #2, by crankschenkTuesday, 24. October 2017, 11:19 7 years ago
    Funktioniert wieder! Puuuh! smile

    Der Fehler trat auf, weil ich anstelle auf den Schließen-Button auf das X gedrückt habe. 
    Darf eigentlich nicht sein, oder?


    100 Posts

  • #3, by SimonSTuesday, 24. October 2017, 15:05 7 years ago
    Danke, der Crash war unmöglich für mich zu finden, aber so konnte ich ihn schnell beheben. Kommt dann mit dem nächsten Update.

    Thread Captain

    1582 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeTuesday, 24. October 2017, 15:06 7 years ago
    It's possible mate. Yesterday I created an execute a script action part on a specific frame of an animation & instead of clicking on ok & close I pressed the x button & it didn't save my action parts to the frame - d'oh!

    It would be nice if it popped up a warning box to tell you that there is unsaved changes along with 2 buttons. Close without saving & save and close.


    7285 Posts

  • #5, by cpt_capslockWednesday, 25. October 2017, 02:43 7 years ago
    hey guys, i know this is a wierd way but .. i tried to reach AFRLme via private message and due to the fact that there was no response - i just post something here.
    in case, my message did not reach you, we would like to hire you.

    on the website there was a discord link, but that was not working.
    anyhow, please give me a poke, let me know if we can talk about time money and the project to make ascedule.



    13 Posts

  • #6, by afrlmeWednesday, 25. October 2017, 03:30 7 years ago
    hey guys, i know this is a wierd way but .. i tried to reach AFRLme via private message and due to the fact that there was no response - i just post something here.
    in case, my message did not reach you, we would like to hire you.

    on the website there was a discord link, but that was not working.
    anyhow, please give me a poke, let me know if we can talk about time money and the project to make ascedule.


    Fixed sorry. I must have accidentally deleted my indefinite invite code by accident when I was deleting the temp ones. I've created a new invite & updated my website with it.

    Also here's the new invite link: https://discord.gg/prQJMs9

    P.S: private messages should work fine. I've not received any new ones recently though. Maybe something wrong with the forum when you tried to write/send it?

    P.P.S: thanks for letting me know the invite link had expired. I'd have likely never known otherwise. My bad... grin


    7285 Posts