Vorschlag für kommenden Demogame-Wettbewerb...

  • #2, by HellVanSingTuesday, 22. April 2014, 10:46 11 years ago
    Eher weniger, da eine Sammlung verschiedener Tutorials für ein Thema eher für Verwirrung sorgt, zumal ein richtiger Leitfaden angenehmer ist. Anfänger suchen immer eine Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung. Was allerdings sinnvoll wäre, wäre unter anderem Tutorials für verschiedene Arten von Interfaces (Broken Sword, Lucas Art Classic).
    Was man höchstens machen könnte, wäre, eine Videoreihe zu den ganzen Themen zu machen.
    Momentan arbeite ich sowieso an einer Game Design Videoreihe (World Building, Charakterdesign, Storydesign/-konzept), könnte auch ganz hilfreich sein, schließlich macht eine Engine auch nicht alleine ein Spiel.


    67 Posts

  • #3, by afrlmeTuesday, 22. April 2014, 12:53 11 years ago
    @ hellvansing: I've already made a start a while back on explaining various available interface (control) types for Visionaire Studio, & I even wrote up 2 tutorials so far - I still have retro/classic interface tutorial & the ring interface tutorial to type up as well as screenshots/diagrams for each.


    I have also typed up a few other useful things such as the beginning of an introduction to Lua script in layman terms & also how to approach sound design for games, while taking into account the environment of each scene.


    There's a lot of other stuff on the way too, as part of the official documentation. I will be working on finishing the overview of the characters section of the editor the day. & then hopefully will start in on the scene section the morrow or later in the week.

    In regards to the upcoming competition... I think a nice thing you could consider doing is turn it into an informative demo. Make the displayed texts or dialogs about the editor/functions itself. Or a quick run down of how you did something, or what something is for, or what something does etc.


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