Visionare crash after open way system tab

  • #1, by ke4Saturday, 26. July 2014, 10:27 11 years ago
    Strange thing is happening to me. If i open way system tab, the whole software crash. I got this error.

    Please, what can be wrong?

    Key Killer

    810 Posts

  • #2, by SimonSSaturday, 26. July 2014, 20:13 11 years ago
    What version do you have ? It's a problem with our underlying gui library, that often creates this kind of errors, but not always at the same position. What happes if you press cancel?

    Thread Captain

    1593 Posts

  • #3, by ke4Saturday, 26. July 2014, 20:39 11 years ago
    it says visionare stop working and it crash. This error i get just sometimes, else it just crash.
    But actually it works from the beginning, its happening after visionare is running a while. So i can do all i need, but i'm worried to this not do some mess.

    Visionare 4 RC, windows 8

    Key Killer

    810 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeSaturday, 26. July 2014, 21:31 11 years ago
    VS kept crashing on me regularly when I opened up the way system tab after using action areas. It happened quite a lot. The action area part always seemed to freeze for a while whenever I first accessed it too & would make vs non-responsive for at least 30 seconds each time.

    I'm on a build from a few weeks back, I think.


    7285 Posts