Visionaire shop

  • #1, by LupaShivaThursday, 02. October 2014, 14:38 11 years ago
    Hello everyone, im about to buy visionaire because i think its awesome and ive benn working with the trial version, but before buying i want to ask some questions:

    -Its a Downloadable version right? not physical?
    -Can we buy a physical version?
    -Upon buying, you have some type of server where i can later download visionaire to my account (like Steam) or i need to keep it myself ?

    Thank you a lot

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    134 Posts

  • #2, by BigStansThursday, 02. October 2014, 15:22 11 years ago

    yes, it is an downloadable version not physical.
    No physical version exists. You can download V4 much times as you want. Or save them to an USB/DVD Stick?
    Yes, directly from us without an 3rd service like amazon or steam.

    Did you already tryout the Freeware? smile

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    361 Posts

  • #3, by LupaShivaThursday, 02. October 2014, 17:24 11 years ago
    Yes already got a game at about 50% and its an awesome tool, really enjoying it, tomorrow morning I'll charge my PayPal account =)

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