Visionaire RogueLike

  • #1, by LupaShivaMonday, 07. November 2016, 13:26 8 years ago
    Hello people =)

    Im almost finishing a small one room game, and wanted to ask your opinion, do you think its possible to create a roguelike in visionaire studio? why visionaire studio, because i LOVE the way it works, because i already got the license, and honestly dont want to learn another language or start using another tool, some things i think are quite doable like:

    -Random items
    -Some type of fight
    -Health, mana, etc
    -Random enemies

    But what makes me think a lot more its:

    -Random maps!
    -Fog effect!

    Do you guys think its possible?

    Thank you

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  • #2, by NigecMonday, 07. November 2016, 14:18 8 years ago
    I'm one of those people who swap engines, find one I like then try and make it do stuff its not supposed to and it never goes well, there's always something you just can't get around and if there is a solution its really clunky and spoils the game

    Seriously your better off looking for an engine that can

    We are talking the DOS rogue game?

    Key Killer

    640 Posts

  • #3, by LupaShivaMonday, 07. November 2016, 14:23 8 years ago
    Actually i was talking about something more newer, with actual grapichs and animations, i understand what you mean, but the joy of making it work its awesome =)

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  • #4, by NigecMonday, 07. November 2016, 14:41 8 years ago
    I made a Dizzy game with LassieAS, which is a plateformer in a MI3 type game engine lol

    Scores, health etc wouldn't be hard, with the Dizzy game the walkable areas proved difficult, I've attached pic, getting him to walk along the bottom and use the platforms was PITA, if he came off a platform he had to roll off or simulate jumping

    Key Killer

    640 Posts

  • #5, by LupaShivaMonday, 07. November 2016, 14:47 8 years ago
    Looks cool =) i think i will give it a try in Visionaire, i think its the best way to improve and learn is testing and creating, also not sure but i think i already saw that game somewhere.

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  • #6, by NigecMonday, 07. November 2016, 15:14 8 years ago
    Its the best way smile
    The best thing to do is pick what you think is the hardest part to achieve and try and do it, with the daft Dizzy game it was making him move in a similar way
    I think fighting is going to be the hard thing as there's no collisions, maybe FF turn base combat might work

    That Dizzy thing, the images are from DizzyAGE community, I used the tileset from the Fantastic Dizzy style game smile

    Key Killer

    640 Posts

  • #7, by afrlmeMonday, 07. November 2016, 15:58 8 years ago
    Personally I would recommend Game Maker Studio or Construct 2 for side-scrollers, rouge-like stuff, but sure it would be doable in VS, but would be a little difficult to sort out procedural stuff on account of lack of map tiling & destructable objects.

    Having said that, in the future, hopefully a lot more game genres will be more easily achievable as SimonS plans on making the engine a lot more flexible (box2d physics, controller & keyboard inputs - hopefully some collision detection of sorts, but I don't know). wink


    7285 Posts

  • #8, by LupaShivaMonday, 07. November 2016, 16:07 8 years ago
    Yeah problalby i would start with the hardest parts first, i think the map is doable, like a board game, several rooms in up view, that where linked in a random generator when you reached an area, it would reveal a random room attached to that one, the fog is what puzzles me, and combat would be more like resource management, like bullets you would yse before an enemy reaching your character, just an example.

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  • #9, by afrlmeMonday, 07. November 2016, 16:27 8 years ago
    What do you mean by the fog?

    Technically there is a sort of collision detection because Simon added support for checking is something is inside of a scene object or characters interaction polygon, so if you were to offset an item as opposed to an animation then yes you could create a projectile I suppose you could with animations too by applying an offset to the checking part, it's just that it would be hard to check the object center (z-index) value to make sure it's in range of the characters path.


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  • #10, by MachtnixMonday, 07. November 2016, 16:34 8 years ago
    What is a "roguelike"?????

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  • #11, by afrlmeMonday, 07. November 2016, 16:48 8 years ago
    To be honest I don't understand exactly what it means either other than they seem to be mostly pixel based, without much story & supposedly are really hard to beat. I think the term is kind of like, "what exactly does indie developer / studio mean to you?" because everyone will tell you something different, but anyway... here's the wikipedia article on rougelike.

    * edit: just read a little bit of the article. Says something about procedurally generated content (dungeons) & permanent death.


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