Visionaire and Lua against AGS script

  • #1, by MehrdadThursday, 26. February 2015, 14:22 10 years ago
    Sorry but I have doubt switch to Visionaire as I'm still AGS user too.
    My main question is about Lua language . In AGS we have freedom in script editor for make complex puzzles for instance :
    1)Drag and rotate piece of papers for make a secret pictures
    2)Change main character like swimming with change player to special regions
    3)Make simple battle
    4)Make NON adventure games like Platformer genre
    5)Make Mirror,reflection on ground,.....
    6)Keyboard movement instead mouse and combine two keys together too.
    7)Enable and disable a few walkable area in one scene. and more....

    Can Visionaire support all of this methods? If answer is NO,Can we use Lua language for make all of them and more? I don't afraid for programming and if Lua in Visionaire is same freedom in AGS I can stick to this language now.

    Thanks a lot


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  • #2, by afrlmeThursday, 26. February 2015, 14:45 10 years ago
    1. Possible with Lua using object / animation position, object rotation field & mouse position.

    2. Special regions? In regards to characters walking, running, crouching, jumping, swimming etc, that is what character outfits are for. Character movement & actions are essentially animations, even in engines like Game Maker Studio, it is the animations that provide the suggestion of what is happening on screen to the person playing the game. Sure gravity & movement also come into that, but you get the general idea.

    3. Simple battle? Questionable, but probably possible with action parts, animations & maybe with a bit of Lua script - may even be possible without scripting, but who knows.

    4. VS is not designed for non-adventure (point & click games) because it is a specialist engine designed exactly for point & click adventure games, but sure, in theory, it is possible to use it for other genres, but there are engines more suited to other genres, than trying to use VS to make them.

    5. Can AGS really do that? It's not exactly hard to achieve that in VS either. Just create another object with the image / animation inversed. If it's a water reflection then you could even apply one of the shader ripple effects to the object containing the reflection. A true mirror effect on the other hand, where it displays your character in them, would probably be possible with a bit of work, but I assume that that would require a bit of work in any engine.

    6. Possible with either the in-editor key actions & conditions or with the Lua keyboard event handler; even though the engine isn't designed for keyboard control of players, it is still possible, but would require work to correctly calculate movement angles.

    7. That's what the way system section of the editor is for. You can define the places that the character can walk by defining borders & paths. You can create multiple way systems for each scene & swap them out as needed.

    The only thing I am going to say is this: Personally I don't care whether or not you decide to use Visionaire Studio, or another engine. It's entirely up to you & what you feel comfortable making your game with. Visionaire Studio is exactly what it is, no more, no less. All engines have their strengths & weaknesses - all are far from perfect.


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  • #3, by MehrdadThursday, 26. February 2015, 15:51 10 years ago
    Thanks Lee for quick answer

    It seems Visionaire have ability for all of numbers except Nu.4
    But I'm still waiting for main answer.Can I make NON Adventure games like Platformer If I stick to Lua language with Visionaire (pure Lua language) ?
    More clear (Sorry if is silly question) : Is Lua language powerful in Visionaire for get unlimited imaginations?
    For many reasons I don't want switch to another engines like Game maker


    39 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeThursday, 26. February 2015, 16:09 10 years ago
    Many reasons like what? Game Maker Studio is more ideal for 2D platformer games than most other engines. especially if you want an engine that can be done with or without scripting. I believe Construct 2 is also a valid engine for platformers & does not require any scripting knowledge, but I think that engine is limited to mobile devices & web browsers.

    My main concern with trying to make platformer games in Visionaire Studio is that we don't have tile support or proper masking support for determining collision detection & solid surfaces. In Game Maker, you can apply masks to asset tiles which tell the engine which parts of an image is solid & which parts are to be ignored, then the box2D physics engine & a few lines of GML code sort out the rest. My solution to solid object would be to use action action areas or polygon areas to check if something is touching them, but it would be far from perfect.

    In regards to collision detection, about the best that you could probably come up with for VS, would be radius based or polygon area based - in the next version of VS there is a new function which allows you to check if something is inside of a polygon area.

    If you want to make a 2D third person or first person point & click adventure game, or visual novel (interactive novel), then by all means use Visionaire Studio. If you have something else in mind, then you might be better off using another engine. As I said, it's irrelevant to me, what you use, as it's your game / project.


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  • #5, by MehrdadThursday, 26. February 2015, 16:46 10 years ago
    I want this two genres in one engine.
    Game maker or Construct Can't make good Adventure point and click but both is fine for Platformer.Also I didn't saw any AAA games with them Whilst VS can do it fine.
    AFAIK VS have 3 positive point relation to AGS : High fps/HD res/multiplatform/
    If AGS had this features I don't leave it at all.

    So Visionaire is fine for Adventure point and click and no more and Lua in visionaire isn't powerful or flexible for make other genre .correct?


    39 Posts

  • #6, by SimonSThursday, 26. February 2015, 17:11 10 years ago
    Lua in Visionaire will get more flexible in the future, but for now it's a bit complicated to make other genres. I especially thought about platformer games and integrating box2d into the engine, so you might see integrated platformer tools. Also RPGs are in my scope, bird-eye view.

    Simple battles are possible, Daedalic did something like that in Chaos on Deponia.

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  • #7, by MehrdadThursday, 26. February 2015, 17:17 10 years ago
    Thanks Simon. Did you have any estimate time for add and release this features?Because I want start my new game project.


    39 Posts

  • #8, by afrlmeThursday, 26. February 2015, 18:25 10 years ago
    There's no reason you can't start now. I'm sure that those features aren't a vital process to creating your game from the get go? There's always other stuff that can be done such as planning, writing, scripting, creating your assets (artwork, animations, music, sound fx, speech files) & so on.


    7285 Posts

  • #9, by MehrdadThursday, 26. February 2015, 18:51 10 years ago
    Yes. sure Lee .
    I'm working on animations at the moment.
    I'm waiting hard for next golden release version of VS.


    39 Posts

  • #10, by MehrdadFriday, 27. February 2015, 13:15 10 years ago
    Sorry But I have a important question before switching to VS .
    In AGS To make a simple gravity make sure your player is above a walkable area and do this in repeatedly execute:
    if (GetWalkableAreaAt (player.x-GetViewportX(), player.y-GetViewportY()) == 0) player.y++; //Moves player down one pixel as long as it is in the air

    Is it possible in Visionaire Lua? I'm appreciate if you write it for me.


    39 Posts

  • #11, by SimonSFriday, 27. February 2015, 23:25 10 years ago
    I'm currently busy with the new gui, lots of old code that needs to be rewritten, that is my priority. In the meantime there will be a bugfix release with some small updates. After that I'll look into new things. But I don't know how the priorities will lay there. We are talking about months here btw.

    I'm not sure what this code is trying to do. You can change the position of the character like that:
    local pos = Character["main"].Position
    pos.y = pos.y - 1
    Character["main"].Position = pos
    Asking from Lua if the position is inside the walk area is not possible in the current release.

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