Visionaire 5 RC questions....

  • #1, by denis-Sunday, 21. May 2017, 20:41 7 years ago
    Hi folks!
    I have some questions  or...request for SimonS about  Visio 5 
    • In the waypoint mode if the zoom is over 500% the "node point" disappear...a little bit inconvenient for low-res background
    • also if i zoom the image the  orizontal scroll bar work only with  ALT+ MOUSE SCROLL...sould be possible to drag it with mouse only?
    • This is my opinion....don't think is more intuitive in the "scene and interface proprieties"  put a "cross" selection for closing the windows? grin ( i spent 3 minutes before to understand to do it....he he!)

    For the rest it's all fantastic and I'm looking forward to the final version.
    Thank you all for Yours work!


    74 Posts

  • #2, by SimonSSaturday, 17. June 2017, 13:13 7 years ago
    Fixed the point size.
    The horizontal scroll bar works for me, don't know what's the problem there.
    Close is added to the overlays.

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    1582 Posts

  • #3, by denis-Monday, 19. June 2017, 10:08 7 years ago
    Thank you for answering SimonS...
    It's quite difficult to explain...but i show you a i try to uninsatll and re-install the Visio 5 rc but is the same...
    scroll bar in zoom mode works only if i press ALT +MOUSE SCROLL


    74 Posts

  • #4, by SimonSMonday, 19. June 2017, 11:42 7 years ago
    You are clicking on the area where the button scroll bar isn't, that didn't work before I only just included that. But I'm pretty sure that dragging works.

    Thread Captain

    1582 Posts

  • #5, by denis-Monday, 19. June 2017, 12:50 7 years ago
    I found the problem!!!

    You 're in right! it work good but... in "light" interface!!!
    In "dark" is a little bit difficult to dragging...

    Many thanks



    74 Posts