Vis crashed during a save and run and saved the game as a blank .ved

  • #1, by dos4gwFriday, 28. February 2014, 08:53 11 years ago
    From my messages log:
    00:27:44: Error: can't open file 'graphics\Rooms\Room04 - TavEx\Objects\foganim.png' (error 2: the system cannot find the file specified.)

    As said above, Visionaire crashed while I was doing a Save and Run. When I went restarted and loaded the .ved, I found everything blank. All my rooms, characters, options...everything was gone. I looked in my build folder and it found out it turned into a 0KB file. Thankfully, I had a fairly recent backup, but I did lose several hours of work. confuse

    This might have been just a one time fluke, but I thought I'd bring it to your intention just in case.


    69 Posts

  • #2, by AlexFriday, 28. February 2014, 10:36 11 years ago
    sorry you lost several hours of work. The next version of Visionaire will always create a backup file (.bak) of the current project file before saving to avoid such scenarios.

    Great Poster

    378 Posts

  • #3, by dos4gwFriday, 28. February 2014, 11:46 11 years ago
    That's great news. Thanks smile


    69 Posts

  • #4, by denis-Friday, 28. February 2014, 11:51 11 years ago
    I'm not sure but if you have windows 7 oe 8 you can try
    i used it for recovey my lost mail in windows mail (i have deleted the account!!)
    hope you find it usefull.


    74 Posts