Videos and Screenshot

  • #1, by littleledsTuesday, 28. January 2014, 16:28 11 years ago
    Hi guys, I'm having a problem, hope you have some ideas. I was thinking in use the Free Screen Video Capture to record a video of the gameplay but it's not working. Neither I can take a screenshot. Someone can help me?


    22 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeTuesday, 28. January 2014, 17:25 11 years ago
    you can use a script to internally take a screenshot. on windows 7 I was able to take a screenshot using printscreen but not on windows 8, for some reason. no idea about video/screen capture.


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by BigStansTuesday, 28. January 2014, 22:40 11 years ago
    Record a video of the gameplay....

    Great Poster

    361 Posts

  • #4, by fritozFriday, 31. January 2014, 19:24 11 years ago
    hi! fraps is great for games, and i found this neat program which is free. it can record games as well as programs (good for tutorial recording):

    KRUT recorder, for Windows and Linux

    only drawback is just like fraps, at high quality it makes really large filesizes

    but you can simply compress them once you have them recorded and delete the large files

    good luck


    16 Posts