Video played fullscreen all the time?

  • #1, by latoxineSaturday, 30. August 2014, 17:22 10 years ago

    when I play a video, command from action during a scene, it's fullscreen in the player even without the scale fullscreen checked in the editor... ( the video is twice smaller than the game resolution ) Is there a way to let it play at the original size, centered ?


    29 Posts

  • #2, by latoxineTuesday, 02. September 2014, 17:33 10 years ago

    For the moment the only trick I found, is to make a larger video of the size of the game resolution, (a comp with After effects for example ) and to only put the smaller video inside.

    But I have not find format with transparency and audio inside...


    29 Posts

  • #3, by afrlmeTuesday, 02. September 2014, 20:19 10 years ago
    it will always have a black background no matter what as there is no transparency for videos as far as I'm aware. If your intention is to have it play a video over a specific part of a scenes background then I'm afraid it can't be done. You will either have to make the entire scene as a video cutscene or export the video as individual frames & import them into vs like you would, for any other animation.


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  • #4, by latoxineTuesday, 02. September 2014, 20:54 10 years ago

    Yes I 've red that it's not possible to play video on specific part ( that's a pity )

    I just want to play a video on cutscene, at the correct original size. For now, if I play a 400x400 video on a 1024*768 game resolution for example, the video is streched to full screen, even if I do not check the fullscreen option.

    So that's why I had idea to tweak with Aafter effects...Yes it seems that the black background is inevitable. But it can be better than strech a small video to fullscreen.

    But as there is a ''if check'' box, with no effect, maybe it's a bug?


    29 Posts

  • #5, by afrlmeWednesday, 03. September 2014, 03:00 10 years ago
    Might be a bug. I guess one of the devs will probably reply at some point & say whether it is or not. I've not spoken to any of them while I've been over here. I've not been online long enough to bother logging into skype.


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  • #6, by dionousMonday, 20. March 2017, 21:53 8 years ago
    Hello to all,

    Quite an old post, but the issue is still valid on 4.25

    If you keep the 'Scale Fullscreen' unticked in the Play Video action part, the video will still scale fullscreen.

    Anyone else confirms?

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