Video Encoding VP9

  • #1, by ke4Saturday, 27. December 2014, 12:26 11 years ago

    I was just thinking about, that i'll convert all my images to WebP, and i read about video encoding on visionaire wiki.
    Wiki says visionaire support vp8 codec/MKV, i was always rendering with sony vegas to AVC/AAC mp4 codec, can you please explain me the vp8 codec more?
    It can't be renderer, but encoded manualy via ffmpeg?
    also if H264 has license fees and via google sony's AVC/AAC uses H264 it means i can't use it for free?
    I didnt know that there are licenses on codecs..


    Key Killer

    810 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeSaturday, 27. December 2014, 13:08 11 years ago
    Sorry I don't know much about video conversion. But yes there are licenses required (not by us) to be able to use/distribute certain media formats/codecs for commercial gain. mp3 for instance is one of those format that require a license - don't ask me where to obtain it as I have no idea.

    Visionaire supports other media formats/codecs too, but it's recommended to use the ones we mention because they are open source/open container formats, need no licenses to use them & they have the best support/stability in the VS engine. mp3 often works, but the odd file might not play or might have some artifacts - well some of the files used to have, not sure about now.


    7286 Posts

  • #3, by ke4Saturday, 27. December 2014, 23:50 11 years ago
    Okay, that's a big reason to use webm vp8 codec as wiki recommends, but still don't understand how this process works, if i can instal some codecs and then render in sony vegas, or render in sony vegas uncompressed video and then encode the video with the ffmpeg. Sorry i didn't find much about that on web, so i hope someone can explain me.

    Key Killer

    810 Posts

  • #4, by ke4Friday, 09. January 2015, 17:42 11 years ago
    As i understand there is no way to export video from Sony Vegas directly to Google webM. All i found is some plugin for Adobe Premiere which i don't use. There is no support for WebP either, how cool would it be to export animations directly to WebP without any converting. I can convert the video from Vegas via FFMPEG, but still..

    It means i have to export the video into to H264 first anyway, because to encode uncompressed AVI would takes ages. So i'm thinking if its ok, if i need to use it H264 anyway grin
    Dont know why this is so complicated.

    Key Killer

    810 Posts

  • #5, by afrlmeFriday, 09. January 2015, 18:03 11 years ago
    No idea about the video stuff, but converting an exported png sequence to webp takes seconds with xnconvert. It's as simple as drag, drop, convert.


    7286 Posts

  • #6, by ke4Friday, 09. January 2015, 18:10 11 years ago
    I know i donwloaded it according to the wiki. It's really good, i'm starting to use it since the next chapter in my game. ( and the rest i'll change sometime in the future.. ) Damn i feel frustrated of this grin

    Key Killer

    810 Posts

  • #7, by afrlmeFriday, 09. January 2015, 18:14 11 years ago
    There are probably more convenient programs available for converting/re-encoding video files than the ones linked on the wiki page David wrote. That page was mostly written about 2 years or so ago.

    You might get lucky by searching on google. That's how I stumbled across xnconvert. Nearly all other programs involved line command or only converted 1 file at a time.


    7286 Posts

  • #8, by ke4Thursday, 15. January 2015, 10:00 11 years ago
    I finally understand to the bunch of commands in ffmpeg and this works good for me. I can't see the difference between the quality.

    Input H.264 mp4 - 10mb
    Output VP8 mkv - 4mb

    ffmpeg –i input.mp4 –c:a libvorbis –b:a 320k –c:v libvpx –qmin 4 –qmax 60 –crf 10 –b:v 16000k output.mkv

    I tried to use vp9 (don't know the difference, but it's newer) but it doesn't work for some reasons.

    Key Killer

    810 Posts

  • #9, by Simon_ASAThursday, 16. July 2015, 15:43 10 years ago
    I am using the MediaCoder software for all my work on video (short films, games...). This soft is the best I know for encoding and it's free." target="_blank" title="">

    In order to convert my videos for Visionaire, this is what I do:
    - import a list of video files to convert (avi, mp4, anything you have)
    - in video tab: video bitrate 5000, rate mode average, format vp8
    - in audio tab: format vorbis (=ogg)
    - in container tab: MKV
    Change output folder at the top right corner.
    The rest can be left to default settings. Press start!

    I don't recommend the VP9 codec in MediaCoder, for some reason it doesn't work (at least for me).

    Has anyone noticed some lag in Visionaire when playing VP8 videos? For some reason, they are often a bit slow in my game, and as a result the very end of the videos is not always played (sometime it cuts the last 10 frames or so).

    Great Poster

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