Video als Animation für Objekt?

  • #1, by joerg-burbachThursday, 31. August 2017, 18:10 7 years ago
    Hallo Leute,

    habe heute zufällig (obwohl ich davon wusste...) die ComputerBild Spiele Platinum oder so mit "Säulen der Erde" von Daedalic erworben. Nachdem ich etwas gespielt habe, hatte ich einige gute Einfälle und Eingebungen bezüglich Steuerung und User Experience. Solltet ihr auch mal reinschauen!

    Dann schaute ich in den Visionaire-Export rein. Im Video-Ordner sind einige dutzend Videos mit Schnee-Animationen, die auch im Spiel - nicht als Zwischensequenz - auftauchen. Nun frage ich mich, ob Daedalic eine Visionaire-Engine nutzt, in der MKV-Videos mit Transparenz als Animation genutzt werden können, oder es Partikel sind, oder eine PNG-Sequenz. Was ich meine, ist z.B. in diesem Video ganz am Anfang zu sehen, achtet auf den Schneefall im Vordergrund:

    Falls es ein Video wäre, würde mir das in einigen Fällen nämlich Kopfschmerzen ersparen... So zeige ich in meinem Spiel ein Sternenfeld als Hintergrund-Animation hinter einem Fenster - derzeit ein Haufen PNGs. Ein MKV (auch ohne Transparenz) wurde hier gigantisch helfen.

    Danke für jegliche Ideen :-)



    30 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeThursday, 31. August 2017, 20:54 7 years ago
    Yes, it's a feature that Simon recently implemented into the VS engine. You have to use Lua script & unfortunately there's no documentation or examples on how to embed videos into your scenes yet. Simon is a bit busy with other things, but I'm sure he will get around to it. wink

    Simon mentioned to me while I was talking to him about it recently that it will increase the minium system requirements required for someone to be able to play your game as it's a lot more taxing than just using animations.

    Something else you could consider doing is using Spine models as an animation & importing it as a scene object (pretty sure that's possible in 5.x - Simon will have to confirm) or as a character, which I think should be more efficient that using regular animation frames, though technically you might be able to optimize regular animations better as you could create them at 25% of actual screen size & scale up with Lua. You could also use the particle system too, which Simon overhauled for VS5.


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by joerg-burbachFriday, 01. September 2017, 08:42 7 years ago
    Yes, it's a feature that Simon recently implemented into the VS engine. You have to use Lua script & unfortunately there's no documentation or examples on how to embed videos into your scenes yet. Simon is a bit busy with other things, but I'm sure he will get around to it. wink

    Simon mentioned to me while I was talking to him about it recently that it will increase the minium system requirements required for someone to be able to play your game as it's a lot more taxing than just using animations.

    Something else you could consider doing is using Spine models as an animation & importing it as a scene object (pretty sure that's possible in 5.x - Simon will have to confirm) or as a character, which I think should be more efficient that using regular animation frames, though technically you might be able to optimize regular animations better as you could create them at 25% of actual screen size & scale up with Lua. You could also use the particle system too, which Simon overhauled for VS5.
    Great news! Hope, there aren't many things left to fix in Visionaire 5 atm, so Simon can go on documenting before going on a vacation :-)

    I already managed to add a Spine-animation to one of my scenes. Works very well.
    Sometimes a video may work better, e.g., when you need a longer animation on TV, or the said snow in front of the complete scene. "Pillars" uses Visionaire 4. I assume they would have used particles instead with Visionaire 5. 


    30 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeFriday, 01. September 2017, 12:11 7 years ago
    I believe Daedalic often use special branches of Visionaire Studio. A lot of the features that have been added to the engine are often requested by Daedalic Entertainment.


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