Using Spine animations

  • #1, by LebosteinMonday, 28. August 2017, 10:24 8 years ago

    I have heard, Visionaire supports Spine animations. Yesterday I found out, that the Open Source and free to use animation program "DragonBones Pro" ( can export Spine files easily (Spine versions 2.1 and 3.3 are supported). With that everyone is able to produce Spine animations without any costs (register via e-mail is the only thing you need). It worked, I have tested it. I got the following export files of my test animation:
    * animation.json
    * animation_tex.atlas
    * animation_tex.png

    Now, how we use these Spine animations in Visionaire? Is there a tutorial or something like that?

    Key Killer

    621 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeMonday, 28. August 2017, 12:17 8 years ago

    I have heard, Visionaire supports Spine animations. Yesterday I found out, that the Open Source and free to use animation program "DragonBones Pro" ( can export Spine files easily (Spine versions 2.1 and 3.3 are supported). With that everyone is able to produce Spine animations without any costs (register via e-mail is the only thing you need). It worked, I have tested it. I got the following export files of my test animation:
    * animation.json
    * animation_tex.atlas
    * animation_tex.png

    Now, how we use these Spine animations in Visionaire? Is there a tutorial or something like that?
    Oh mate... We already knew that. It's been mentioned multiple times on here. A member called "Bones" kept posting about it in a couple of threads or so a few months back - I don't remember if he mentioned how to use them though, sorry.


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by caligarimarteMonday, 28. August 2017, 15:39 8 years ago
    I have no Tutorial, no Spine-Animations, and no Use for them personally, but if you go to the Animations of your Character, click on a Header (for Example the Walk-Animations -- not the individual Walking-Animations, but the Header for all of them together), the last Option, below all the 3D-Model-Options, is to load Spine-Animations. I don't know how it works exactly, for I myself do not use them, but maybe that helps anyway.

    EDIT: I should mentions, I saw that in Visionaire 5, not 4.

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  • #4, by LebosteinMonday, 28. August 2017, 18:18 8 years ago
    Thanks. I have seen it. But Visionaire crashs if I load a spine file. Which spine version and format is supported and which file I have to load (json)?

    Key Killer

    621 Posts

  • #5, by SimonSMonday, 28. August 2017, 21:46 8 years ago
    Load the json, ensure that the .atlas file is exactly named like the json (so no _tex). Then you can set the animation in the animation settings. The spine version is currently the newest runtime, so use the newest version. Dragonbones will get its own support module in the future.

    The exported dragonbones files sometimes lacked some things, that the spine runtime wants, that is fixed in V5, but if you're in 4, it might crash.

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  • #6, by LebosteinMonday, 28. August 2017, 23:06 8 years ago
    Have you a working spine animation file + texture for testing?

    Key Killer

    621 Posts

  • #7, by SimonSTuesday, 29. August 2017, 00:27 8 years ago
    Use the demos from spine, you need to put them in a subfolder. I tested the spineboy for example.

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