Unable to see GUI

  • #1, by pietro-eccherWednesday, 23. October 2019, 16:00 5 years ago
    Hi, I am sorry to bother you. 
    I am trying Visionaire 5 for the first time and I have an issue with one basic GUI element: as you can see from the attached picture I can't see the bottom of the "Properties" scene window: I can't drag it nor resize it.. maybe it has to do with some setting I was unable to find.. does someone have a hint to share?

    My laptop resolution is 1366x768

    Thank you!


    29 Posts

  • #2, by SimonSWednesday, 23. October 2019, 17:22 5 years ago
    Have you got increased dpi settings ? I think it should fit. But it's not made to be scrollable.

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    1582 Posts

  • #3, by pietro-eccherWednesday, 23. October 2019, 17:35 5 years ago
    Hi SimonS thank you for your interest:
    if you mean the scaling/resizing option in windows screen options - display settings it's set to 100% (reccommended).
    Is there another one?

    Thank you


    29 Posts

  • #4, by SimonSWednesday, 23. October 2019, 17:36 5 years ago
    Alright then the screen is too small... I would need to add a scrollable area there, but the popup is since its inventation a place of controversity in the team.

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    1582 Posts

  • #5, by pietro-eccherWednesday, 23. October 2019, 17:40 5 years ago
    Maybe just fitting its layout in a way that it "grows" horizontally is enough: every monitor is 16/9 these days.

    Thank you, I will wait for the next software update then smile


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