Typische Auflösung moderner Adventures?

  • #1, by Marian77Sunday, 23. June 2013, 20:23 12 years ago
    Hallo allerseits,

    wie groß ist denn die typische Auflösung moderner Spiele? 640x480 dürfte wohl out sein. Speziell die Höhe und das Seitenverhältnis von nicht-scrollenden Hintergründen interessiert mich.


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  • #2, by afrlmeSunday, 23. June 2013, 21:06 12 years ago
    1920x1080 (1080p) is standard HD resolution
    then maybe others like: 1024x768 or 1280x720 (720p)

    & sorry in advance as I don't speak much German & thus reply only in English.


    7283 Posts

  • #3, by Marian77Sunday, 23. June 2013, 21:20 12 years ago
    Hi, thank you for the quick answer! By the way, for some reason I can't upload any graphics. When I hit the large "+"-icon and pick a picture, a small rotating busy icon appears, but nothing else happens, even if I wait for 15 minutes or so.

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  • #4, by afrlmeSunday, 23. June 2013, 21:49 12 years ago
    yeah I think thomas & calli have been working on the site some more & must have broke something - will send thomas a message later on as I tried to attach some images the other day (multiple times) without success & ended up forgetting to to let him know. (bad memory)


    7283 Posts

  • #5, by EnnoBeckerThursday, 27. June 2013, 13:35 12 years ago
    Hi there,

    I was wondering about the resolutions as well.
    I have been working on my adventure for quite some time now.

    After trying around with the resolutions I decided on 1280x1024.
    The reason I did not go with a widescreen resolution was that I have no idea how this would work on smaller screens.

    However, nowadays almost everyone uses a wide screen, as do I. When I load my game in the test screen (which I set to load on full screen), than I have a lot of empty, black space on the left and on the right.

    My question now is: How would a 4:3 screen react if I load a wide screen game? Can I simply scroll and play just fine?
    If not: Is there any chance to decide on what to show on the left and on the right of the game's "window" (like a fitting image, a pattern - at least any other colour)?

    Thanks for letting me know!


    3 Posts

  • #6, by afrlmeThursday, 27. June 2013, 13:54 12 years ago
    VS scales the game according to your screen resolution & automatically adds black borders to the sides or top/bottom depending on the games default resolution & your screen resolution.

    I myself am currently working at 1920x1080 on a laptop which has a resolution of 1280x800.
    once you export/build your game. it creates a config.ini file which you can set screen resolution & various other options ...

    inside the config.ini file just add:
    Fullscreen = Yes
    Resolution = Auto

    for it to auto-scale to the players screen.


    7283 Posts

  • #7, by EnnoBeckerThursday, 27. June 2013, 14:09 12 years ago
    Wow, that was quick. Thanks for the info.

    However, is the image streched then? What about the inventory or other interfaces?
    I will try around with it. But before that: Would it be possible for you to send me an examplary screenshot of the outcome of your game? (I don't want to peak, I am just curious of how it works. Just put in blanks if you like)
    If not, that's fine, I am anscious for testing myself ;-)

    Thanks and best regards


    3 Posts

  • #8, by afrlmeThursday, 27. June 2013, 16:12 12 years ago
    hmm everything scales in proportion up/down based on players screen resolution in fullscreen mode.

    for example if you create a game with default resolution of 1920x1080 then all your scene backgrounds have to be at least 1920x1080 or greater & your menu scenes should be 1920x1080.

    If you were to set a custom resolution while in fullscreen mode it wouldn't scale the game up/down to the players resolution - I'm not sure why... you just get more black space, which is why after you've exported your game you should set resolution to auto or desktop.

    I'm not at the development stage of my game yet. planning & concept artwork is currently in progress - by work, I meant in general - for example the various Lua Script & template project files I share on here.

    -- taken from messages.txt log file.
    Initializing graphics interface. Surface size: 640x480, render size: 1024x768
    Initializing graphics interface. Surface size: 1280x800, render size: 1024x768

    P.S: the attachments are from the demo game that come with VS or rather it's a screenshot of a technical demo I've made for dynamic sound control using the latest developer build (I'm not allowed to share it yet) - I often use VS demo files when testing scripts or for the templates I share - easier smile


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